F3 Knoxville

Using God’s Perfect Word to Break Free

THE SCENE:  49 degrees, raining, and just plain nasty – A perfect training environment.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  This was indeed a voluntary, unprofessional workout delivered to 6 HIMs who knew their weaknesses and were ready to work while most of the universe was resting in their fart-sack.


  1. Slow Windmill (IC) x 15
  2. Plank Knee Touches  x 20
  3. Fire Hydrants x 20 each leg
  4. Moroccan Night Clubs (IC) (JUCO Tradition) x 20
  5. This/That Senior Citizen Stretch


Mosey to Large, inviting Parking Lot.

X 15  100 yd Sprints with partner-applied resistance bands, rotating partners at 50 yds for total of 1500 yds (Bible was written over a span of 1500 years and remains one seamless story).

Exercises at each 100 yd mark:

SPRINT 1 – X 22  Core Mountain Climbers (# of letters in Hebrew Alphabet, Christ quoted from Psalm 22 while in agony on the cross)

SPRINT 2 – X 40 Sumo Squats (Biblical number symbolizing completion, usually of some trial or hardship)

SPRINT 3 – X 12 Monkey Squats (Tribes of Israel, Apostles)

SPRINT 4 – X 33 Plank Jacks (estimated age of Christ at time of Crucifixion)

SPRINT 5 – X 66 Merkins (# of Books in the Bible)

SPRINT 6 – X 10 4×4’s (One for each Commandment)

SPRINT 7 – X 400 (200 each band partner) Flutterkicks (How long Israel was in bondage in Egypt)

SPRINT 8 – X 144 Jump Squats (72 each band partner) (New Jerusalem wall thickness will be 144 cubits thick)

SPRINT 9 – X 40 Hello Dollies (20 each band partner) (40 authors of the Bible, led by God)

SPRINT 10 – X 7 Handclap Merkins (Number mentioned almost 500 times in the Bible)

SPRINT 11 – X 365 American Hammers (182/183 partners) (Number of times in His word the Lord tells us to not be afraid, one for each day of the year – Amazing!)





God’s Word is absolutely perfect.  It was written by 40 different authors, on 3 different continents, over a span of 1500 years, and is one, seamless, flawless story – all pointing to Christ.  That is pretty amazing.  Although God demands perfection, we have fallen short and many of us suffer from the paralyzing guilt of past sin in our lives that plays like a movie in our heads.  Sometimes, like the resistance bands we used during the workout, guilt can hold us back from doing God’s work – feelings of inadequacy, unloved, unforgiven.  Brothers, know that God LOVES you and I so much that he sent his only son, the perfect sacrafice, to suffer the penalty due us.  To deny that is to deny the sufficiency of the cross.  You have been forgiven. He has covered your sin! Ditch the guilt, and break free! The objective for all of us is to become more like Him.  The only way to do that is to get to know Him better through reading the Bible.  Meditate on it, practice it, teach it to your children.

The QIC was an absolute clown-show today – messing up a cadence, forgetting the photo at the end.  Please forgive his incompetence and know that he will get better. He is placing himself on Q-probation until improvement takes place.

F3 KX Anniversay Events – Sign up!


THE SCENE: 40 degrees and dark (perfect gloom for an F3 workout)

Quick 4: SSH x15, Tempo Squats x10, Merkins 4-ct x10, BBS 4-ct x10

10-on-10: 10 Burpees on 10 hills around campus (Pellissippi State Community College, aka JUCO), culminating in the Beast across the street – JUCOmanjaro (it’s other less popular name was Kill-a-Man-JUCO), for a total of 100 burpees and I-don’t-know-how-many miles.

We squeezed in some flutterkicks during Count Off and NAME-O-RAMA.

Kings of the Mountain: Booster, Rocket, Trolley, 5K, Bagger, Sweeper, Chaco, and Snaggletooth

Psalm 23 – Soul Care

We get up between 4:30 and 5:00 to work out with our AO or wherever. We put time, effort, intention and intensity to getting better, getting stronger, stewarding this temple. Do we take the same time, effort, intention and intensity to care for our souls? Every spiritual practice/exercise is intended to draw us closer to God, submitting to Him, the ultimate HIM, so that He can care for our souls, strengthen it, and use us for His Kingdom purposes. It doesn’t happen on its own. Soul-care takes the same time, effort, intention, and intensity as the care of our bodies.

F3 Anniversary events

Bear Crawl Variations

THE SCENE: Cold!!!  I know this is only the beginning, but it came quick.

15 Peter Parkers, 15 mountain climbers, 15 SSH, 15 imperial walker, 10 count windmill, 15 Moroccan night club


Mosey to the south parking lot

Bearpees halfway across the parking lot. OYO 1 Burpee followed up by 4 count bearcrawl forward.  Increase burpees by 1 each time and bearcrawl by 4 (1:4 ratio).

Mosey to the Sophomore. Dora 1-2-3. 100 merkins, 200 6” LBC’s, 300 squats.  Partner is running up the hill to in front of the building’s main entrance.

Mosey to hand rails. Do 15 supine pull-ups, 15 merkins, 15 dips and 15 Carolina dry docks. Run a lap around parking lot and repeat.

Mosey toward shovel flag. Stop in the parking lot and indian bear crawl.  All PAX are in a lined up head-to-foot.  The PAX in the back bear crawls to the front while all others are doing merkins.  Go until all PAX have bear crawled.

9 PAX worked hard this morning and got warmed-up quickly
Look at the story of Job and the loss that he encountered.  God allowed Satan to test Job to this extent, but he did not do the testing.  Through all the hardship, Job starts to question why he is going through all this.  God answers Job in the last few chapters of the book.  I was looking for Job chapter 38 this morning.  Read God’s response to Job.  Then Job responds in chapter 40 and again in 42:  42:2-3.  We may not understand why we encounter trials in life, but if we remain focused on God and His will, we will make it through!

Fall festival this weekend. 3rd Anniversary weekend, Nov. 3rd and 4th.


THE SCENE:  A cozy 44 degrees

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  This was a free, voluntary, unprofessional workout delivered to men who knew their injuries and how to modify exercises accordingly.

SSH (IC) – X 15, Imperial Walkers (IC) – X 15, Tempo Squat (IC) – X 13, Morocan Nightclub (IC) (A JUCO tradition) – X15, 4×4’s – X5

Mosey to large, inviting parking lot to try our luck at Parking Lot “BLACK JACK” or 21’s.  2 Exercises, separated by width of parking lot.  Merkins at one end, run and perform BBS at other, each round totals 21. (Circuit was cut short for time-sake).

Mosey to “Sophmore” Hill for fellowship and morale boost.  At base of hill – partners alternate doing PUs (alternating sets of 10, resting partner planks, until goal of 100 PUs obtained), Bernie up the hill.  At top of hill – partners alternate doing Squats (alternating sets of 10, resting partner holds an Al Gore, until goal of 100 Squats obtained), Bearcrawl to opposite side of hill – partners alternate doing LBCs (alternating sets of 10, resting partner holds 6inches, until goal of 100 LBCs obtained).  Mosey down hill.  At base of hill – 100 Calve Raises each.

Mosey to hill by CMU pile for BURP-BACK MOUNTAIN:  Alternating rounds of one partner performing burpees while other partner joyfully ran the hill.

Mosey back to AO.

Captain Thor and 6 inch drill until time ran out.

10 Strong, No FNGs

Historians and philosophers have always had trouble explaining the early growth of Christianity in the face of brutal persecution by the Roman Empire.  Based on historical writings from the first few centuries, almost all agree three main factors and characteristics of early Christians played a role:  LOVE – they loved unconditionally and those that had been cast aside by the Roman Empire.  The love they showed their spouses, children, and neighbors was never-before-seen. Unbelievers were attacted to this. GENEROSITY – They gave sacraficially and in a way that Roman society had never experienced, sometimes risking their lives to help those in need – lepers for example. People were drawn to that.  COURAGE/CONVICTION – their unwavering conviction and love for Christ was on display even when confronted with crucifixion and other forms of persecution performed by the Romans. People were amazed by this and drawn closer to Christ.

Do YOU practice these traits in your daily walk? Never underestimate how your behavior can have an effect on others for Christ. QIC discussed coming to Christ later in life, a journey that started with taking note of his SWAT Team leader’s courage/conviction in praying over meals in front of unbelievers on the team.


F3 Knoxville anniversary/olympic events.

4×6 and Super Burpee’s

THE SCENE: Nice, rain washed parking lot. with clear weather.


Traveling warmup over to CMU pile.  Side straddles, bernies, lunges, zombee mosey,

Each HIM stacks 6 CMU’s 4 times.   The stack locations are:

  1. At base of hill bowl
  2. At top of hill bowl
  3. At base of hill bowl
  4. Back at CMU source pile

You can cary the cmu any way you want and as many as you want. But you should finish one stack before starting the next one.

When done with the 4×6 we did several of the new Super Burpees.


The super burpee is a 28 count burpee (with CMU) consisting of

Count Reps Exercise
1-4 2 Merkins (on top of CMU)
5-8 2 Big Boy Sit-ups (lifting CMU)
9-12 2 American Hammers (with CMU)
13-16 2 Bicycles (with CMU)
17-20 2 Curls
21-24 2 Push Presses
25-28 2 Tri Presses

Mosey back to AO.  Do modified Super Burpee without CMU like so:

Count Reps Exercise
1-4 2 Merkins
5-8 2 Big Boy Sit-ups
9-12 2 American Hammers
13-16 2 Bicycles
17-20 2 Squat Jumps

Booster, 5k, Bagger, Snaggletooth, Trolley

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”  

Don’t let the past define you, you are free in Christ!  You are not a slave to sin anymore!

Please Please Please pray for Tabitha’s health and support for her kids.

F3 Olympics comming. https://f3knoxville.com/category/announcements/