F3 Knoxville

Not Another Brick in the Wall

THE SCENE: JUCO – Sloppy Wet rain, but kinda warm 56 degrees.


It’s not F4 (Faith Fitness Fellowship and Fairweather)


  • 20 Side straddle hops
  • 20 Side-to-sides.
  • 20 Merkins
  • 20 Cherry Pickers
  • 20 Big boy situps
  • 20 Diamond Pike Merkins
  • 20 Bicycles

“Another brick in the Wall”.  Mosey over to coupon wall.  Everyone gets and keeps a coupon the whole workout.  Partner up.   As one person does “Around the wall” the other person does “Along the wall” with their coupon.

  • Around the Wall” is:
    • 10 Handstand pushups (against wall)
    • Run to other end of wall (carrying coupon)
    • 10 Hanging Leg lifts  (hang off of overhead railing)
    • Run to top of hill behind wall with coupon
    • 10 Reverse in-cline Merkins (against railing)
    • 10 Burpess
    • 10 In-cline Merkins (against railing)
    • Run to beginning – wait for partner to finish before transitioning to “Along the Wall”
  • Along the wall” is
    • Crab walk coupon carry the length of the wall AND back.
    • Burpee Broad Jump (ahead of coupon) + move coupon overhead to feet with a sit-up
    • As a team – Alternating Cherry Picker coupon baton handoff (over-head to under). Empty handed person on end runs to the front to get the Coupon coming from the team.


The puddles were refreshing and the grass wasn’t muddy.


Fast-n-Easy, Wax-Job, Scrum, Trolley

Jesus’ message is antithetical to the old youth rock montra of “All we are is just another brick in the wall”.  Jesus says you are important, you matter, you are loved, He is very intentional about the value of everyone’s life and everyones every-moment!
Booster wasn’t here so we forgot to mention the schedule and challenge coming up in May.  Also forgot a picture! Doh!

This is not the Caribbean Islands

THE SCENE: Clear, a little windy and 36 degrees

SSH X 20, cherry pickers x5, Rockettes x 10, mericans x 10

mosey to the big lot
THA-THANG:   Complete each exercise at parking lot island/cone and run up lot to next island/cone in a zig zag across parking lot.

1) 10 mericans
2) 10 squats
3) 10 diamond mericans
4) 10 Bobby Hurley’s
5) 10 shoulder touch mericans
6) 10 smurf Jacks
7) 10 burpees
8) 10 lunges each leg
9) 10 inch worms
10) 10 iron mikes
11) 10 plank ups each arm
12) 10 sec one leg balance holds each
13) 10 wide mericans
14) 10 squat jumps
Then “collect cones” by running to each cone and add 2 reps per cone picked up.
first 7 is mericans, second 7 is squat jumps…. then some flutter kicks for fun.

More flutter and slutter kicks x30, Superman holds, boat/canoes w/rowing, burpees x6

13 including 1 FNG (Hawkeye)


1) Children living with fathers in the home tend to fare better on cognitive achievement and behavioral outcomes.

2. Adolescents living in intact families tend to report closer relationships with their fathers.

3. Among urban fathers, those who frequently attend religious services tend to be more engaged with their children.

4. Close relationships between adolescents and their fathers are positively associated with adolescents’ psychological well-being.

5. Adolescents with more involved fathers tend to exhibit lower levels of behavioral problems.

6. Adolescents who report having more positive relationships with their fathers are less likely to engage in delinquency.

7. Adolescents who report having more positive relationships with their fathers are less likely to abuse substances.

8. Individuals whose fathers showed more involvement in their lives early on tend to attain higher levels of education.

9. Growing up without a father appears to be associated with greater likelihood of incarceration later in life. 

10. Fathers’ religiosity is linked to higher quality of parent-child relationships.

11. Fathers’ engagement in their children’s activities was linked to higher academic performance.

12. Among adolescent girls, those who have a strong relationship with their fathers are less likely to report experiencing depression.

13. Close father-adolescent bonds protect against the negative influence of peer drug use.

14. Adolescent girls who have a close relationship with their fathers are more likely to delay sexual activity.

15. Adolescent girls whose fathers were present during their childhood are less likely to become pregnant.

16. Adolescent males who report a close relationship with their fathers are more likely to anticipate having a stable marriage in the future.

17. Men who become fathers outside of marriage are more likely to be poor.

18. Fathers of intact families spend, on average, more time with their children. 

19. Children raised in intact families by happily married parents tend to be more religious in adulthood.

20. Children raised in intact families are more likely to have stable and healthy romantic relationships as adults.

21. Intact families are more likely to provide a safe home for children.

22. Adolescent girls who have never lived apart from their parents are less likely to report sexual abuse than those who have.

23. Girls who experienced a parental separation during childhood are more likely to engage in early sexual activity.

24. Among teenage boys, those from intact families with frequent religious attendance average the fewest sexual partners.

25. Children in father-absent homes are almost four times more likely to be poor.

Don’t just be around, be involved!

A bit quiet for mumble chatter most likely due to the cold air and cardio.

Prayers for friend who lost their mother this week, family and relationship issues in the PAX, Hardship Hill success and to be better fathers.
Hardship Hill two JUCO teams 5 & 10 hour choices

No Phish at JUULCO

THE SCENE: Wet and Cold


SSH IC x 20


Merks x 10 IC

Imperial Walkers IC x 15

5 Burpees


  • Blimped our way to sophomore hill
  • Dora at sophomore hill (100 burpees, 100 merks, 100 squats)
  • 1/2 Aiken Legs (10 Box Jumps, 10 Lunges, 10 Squats, 10 Smurf Jacks)
  • Mosey toward AO
  • Couple Sets of Sprints
  • We did some flutters IC and superman swims in there a few times



I recently met an old friend for dinner. It was good to catch up with him. I reflected on our time together and the moments where we began to take different paths. My friend certainly had a rough time for a few years. Maybe I did not fulfill my duty has a friend to be more open and willing to be supportive when I suspected something was going wrong. I do not mean to say that we should be very assertive, but rather we should ask them if everything is alright. Just reaching out to someone can be enough.
Read what Cap’n posted

Hardship Hill get on yo team playa

Quality over Quantity

THE SCENE: 60 with a bit of wind (but it was 60 so who cares about the wind, right?)

  • Side Straddle Hop X 15 (IC)
  • Baby Arm Circles X 15 (IC)
  • Baby Arm Circles – reverse X 15 (IC)
  • Cherry Pickers X 15 (IC)
  • Windmills X 15 (IC)
  • Windmills – reverse X 15 (IC)
  • Tempo Squats X 10 (IC)
  • Mosey


The first part of the workout challenged the PAX to do AMRAPs (As Many Reps As Possible) with good, QUALITY form. We stayed together throughout this portion of the workout but all did different numbers of reps. At the end of the prescribed time for each exercise, we moseyed to another location.

  • Merkins – 2 minutes
  • Sit-ups – 3 minutes
  • Burpees – 3 minutes
  • Dips – 3 minutes
  • Star Jacks – 3 minutes
  • Rinse & repeat!

Second portion of the workout included the same exercises but had us picking up the pace with 10 reps at each station as fast as possible while running to the next exercise. Our focus was QUANTITY and cardio through 1-3 cycles each.  Mosey back to the AO


  • Box-cutters X 15 (IC)
  • American Hammers (Freedom Twists) X 15 (IC)



Booster, Fins, Homer, Neutron, Pink Eye, Scrum, Stye, Sweeper, Trolley!


Earlier this week my wife and I became grandparents of our 3rd grand Child.  As I was holding this new born baby I came to a renewed awareness of life and how precious it is.  God made all human beings in His image (Gen 1:27) with the sole purpose to glorify Him.  In Jer 1:5  God says “before I formed you in the womb knew you”.  We as men and leaders in the community must witness to other people the importance of the “value of life” and the importance to glorify God.  If we do that people might start thinking about that again and we might influence decisions on suicide, homicide and maybe even abortions.

JUCO will have 2 teams for the May 19th Obstacle Course Race, a 5-hour and 10-hour team; register here for JUCO 5 or JUCO 10 – https://endurancecui.active.com/event-reg/select-race?e=51587652&rf=35c7d20882aa4c1796efedbd47fe5261&ts=E


What’s Tabata With You?

THE SCENE: 42 and raining… Basically the very definition of gloom.

Q accidentally locked his keys in the car while attempting to unload equipment, causing slight delay in getting started. Therefore disclaimer was given during the first exercise…

SSH xDisclaimer
Windmills x15 IC
LBAC x20 each way IC
Calfkiller (20 calf raise OYO, 25% run to other curb, 20 calf, 50% run, 20, 75%, 20, AYG, 20)

Mosey to a dry spot to continue warmup:
5x SuperWorm (Inchworm all the way out to full extension flat on the ground, 5 Supermans, Merkin and inchworm up)
10x 4ct Travoltas IC each side

Mosey on to the courtyard for Roll Your Own tabata.
Roll the exercise die and do 4 sets of 20s with 10s rest in between.
Best of my recollection, we had:
-Star Jacks
-Crab Toe Touches
-Squat Jumps
-Bicycles again!
-Butt Kickers
-Star Jacks again! (time up after 2 sets though)

None today, although the Bicycles hit the abs pretty well.
Only 3 PAX braved the gloom this morning.
Nobody got up this morning at 5:00 and decided to get out in the gloom and get better. That decision was made yesterday (or earlier!), long before the required time of action. That principle holds true in most areas of life. Make your decision ahead of time, and follow-through is that much easier when it comes time for action.
Piece of advice for anyone who leaves keys in your car during a beatdown: Get a magnetic key holder for about tree fiddy and keep a spare somewhere in the undercarriage.
Hardship Hill OCR May 19th! Pray for Booster’s friend JJ (lingering surgery complications) and three of Snaggletooth’s friends to strengthen marriages.