F3 Knoxville

The Hateful 8


On way to cmu pile do 10 of plank walk merkins, Imerpial Lunge Walks, crab walk, overhead lunges, bear crawl, spinning thrusters, and hand stand walks.  All in order to get a cmu to the parking lot.
THA-THANG: The Hateful 8

Run to CMU pile, each HIM gets one and brings to adjacent Parking lot. Perform the following exercises along the lengths of 8 parking space painted sections.   When reaching the end of a section run to the adjacent painted section to start the next exercise going down (or up) the parking spots.  The exercises alternate from bringing the cmu with you to not bringing it.  When you need to start a section with a cmu and you don’t have one, run back to where you left your cmu (it should be two sections over/back) and run it back to the start of the next exercise.  In essecense you do a ziz-zag accross the parking lot with and without your cmu.

    1. Plank Walk Merkins +CMU  (do 1 merkin at each stall)
    2. Imperial Lunge Walkers
    3. Crab Walk +CMU
    4. Burpee Broad Jumps
    5. Overhead Lunges + CMU
    6. Bear Crawl
    7. Spinning Thrusters + CMU
    8. Handstand walk or Bear crawl Dry Docks (do 1 dry dock at each stall)

    We made it to Spinning Thrusters when 6:07am recovery alarm went off. Next time, go straight to the cmus with less warm up. Oh,, and there will be a next time!

    Stai, Chaco, Sweeper, Guano, Archie, Bartman, Waxjob, Snaggletooth.
    Luke 21 The widows offering..   Can you give it all?  Don’t let materializm eat you alive.  Heed Jesus’ words that the temple and stones will all be torn down.