F3 Knoxville

Filthy Fifty Golf

THE SCENE: 50 degrees with a little rain

1 Minute of Jumping Jacks

1 Minute of Lunges

1 Minute of Burpees

1 Minute of Side-2-side Lunges

1 Min of Squats


Mosey across campus to the pond.  We did exercises at every tee-off pad (disc golf) around the pond.  If you complete the reps before the whole team then you run back to the last tee-off pad and run back once the last person is finished and lets the rest of the PAX know to return.  Together, we ran to the next tee.

TEE-OFF PAD Exercises:

Legs: 50 Box jumps (on picnic tables)

Arms: 50 Push Ups (Merkins)

Core: 50 Cross Toe Touch V-Up

Legs: 50 Lunges

Arms: 50 Pike Push -Ups (Dri-Docks)

Core: 50 Knees to elbows

Mosey back to the AO.

50 Decline Push-ups (Derkins)

50 Step-ups on light poles

MARY: Built into the workout.

COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA Bartman, Booster, Neutron, Scrum, Snaggletooth and Trolley

Surrender / Testimony:

Rev 20:4 I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

I shared my personal testimony about my youth, teenage and young adult years. An invitation to church from a coworker where we had communion changed my life. I went to seminary, met my wife and decided Knoxville would be a great place to raise a family.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: THIRD F EVENT at The Outlook (716 20th St, Knoxville, 37916located behind Stephanos on the UT Strip at 8:30 am. this Saturday, March 24


THE SCENE: ColdWetDark


Baby Arm Circles

Merkins IC


Had some serious modifications as 2/3 of the group were injured

Lunged in between medians with increasing reps of merkins up to ~8

Decided to try something else

Proceeded to do


30 Dips

1 min superman swims

Core exercises (Flutter kicks, Box Cutters, Hello Dollys)

Found another spot


Seated pullups

1 min superman swims

Core exercises

Limped back to the AO


Rotated between calf raises and ruck sack curls
Neutron Booster Shooter

Currently, there is a great deal of uncertainty in the world. Much of it is pessimistic. I thought I could shed some light with the BOM. According to my statistics, the world right now may be the best it has ever been. Steven Pinker just released his book Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress. If you do not want to read it you can check out this link- http://humanprogress.org/blog/the-worlds-getting-better-all-the-time


The web page cites significant improvements made in 2017.

Despite all the doom and gloom we should remind ourselves that we seem to be doing fairly well for ourselves. In other words, doing the right things has positive results in the world.



Hardship Hill- When you sign up, join any team. We can sort all that out later.

Movin’ Weight


  • Jump Rope x50 (SSH)
  • Cherry Pickers (ICx5)
  • Tempo Squats (ICx10)
  • Jump Rope x50 (SSH)
  • Atlas Stretch x5 (each side)
  • Jump Rope x50 (SSH)

Split the group up into teams of 3.

Station 1:

  • Standard Plank
  • Side Plank
  • Side Plank
  • Dancing Bear
  • Shoulder Taps

Farmers Carry:

  • (2) 5gal Buckets Full of Rocks 100yd Carry
    • Penalty of 10 Burpees if put down early

Station 2:

  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • Froggie Hops
  • Hand Release Merkins
  • Iron Mikes

Battle Buddy….The Bucket Carry:
Partner 1: Jump Rope
Partner 2:

  • 200ft Carry to the Hill
  • Burnnie the Hill w/Bucket
  • 200ft Carry to Starting Point
    • Penalty of 10 Burpee if put down

Luke 12:11-12
When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities, do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.
Matthew 10:19-20
But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the spirit of your Father speaking through you.
Exodus 4:10-12
Moses said to the Lord, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.” The Lord said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”

SSHs help when you can’t feel your fingers

THE SCENE: Clear, dry and cold. Felt like 20 but probably around 27 degrees

SSHs x20, Burpees x5, this and thats, rockettes x10


Mosey to the CMU pile stopping at walls for some:
Dips x10
Box jumps x 10
Declines x10
Reverse monkey humpers x10
Inclines x10
Repeat till it’s time to mosey again (2-5mins)

Once at rock pile:
Take paver and do
10 curls, 10 presses, 10 tris, 10 rows and run it to top of steps where you do 9 of each. Back down then 8,7,6,5,4, stop for some SSHs to help us feel our fingers again

Mosey to the hill
Rd 1: reg mericans, wide, diamond x5 do lap up around and down hill.
Rd 2: do Rd 1 exercises AND reg squats, squat jumps, smurf jacks x5
Rd 3: Do Rd 1 and Rd 2 exercises AND dry docks, inch worms, dips x5, repeat till time.

Mosey to AO-long way around

Boat canoes, flutter kicks, stutter kicks, pickle pounders, monkey humpers…pretty much all the awkward exercises for the FNGs
11 total, 4 FNGs (Homer, Wolverine, pigskin, Joe Dirt)

I went to my daughters lacrosse game last night and it was a very close one. There were some questionable calls during the game to which one of the parents attending is very vocal and condemning of the referee. It was quite embarrassing to be sitting next to someone that was acting in such a manner. The way they were talking about The referee and the opposing team was uncalled for. My father always taught me to keep my mouth shut to referees and not to complain or put someone else down. I am not perfect and fail in that sometimes. My father’s advice was a great example for me as I became a man. My mother also backed that up with the “if you can’t say something nice about someone don’t say anything at all“.   I found myself criticizing the referees in the car ride home with my daughter listening intently. When I got home this scripture was waiting on me…..Ephesians‬ ‭4:29‬

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

Another lesson learned in my adult life. MOLESKIN:
Great group this morning, great to see Booster out there working hard even though he could not run. T-claps to my man Mr. Rogers for bringing out 4 FNGs! He is an early lead for the EH award this year!
3rd F gathering , Hardship Hill race

Enjoy the Ride

THE SCENE:  40 and clear


  • Quickly welcomed the group because the Q was running late!


  • 30 second stretch OYO (so I could put my watch & gloves on)
  • Tempo Squats x 10
  • Tempo Merkins x 10
  • LBAC forward & backward
  • This/that, these/those, Michael Phelps


  1. Lunge to concrete pylons
    • 30 Box Jumps on the pylons when you get there
  2. Burpee broad jump across parking lot to the sidewalk
    • 50 Calf Raises when you get there
  3. Bear Crawl across big parking lot
    • 50 Carolina Dry Docks when you get there
  4. Inchworm Merkin up the street to the first turn-in
    • 50 Jump Squats when you get there
  5. Groucho Walk up the street to the fire hydrant
    • 50 Big Boy Situps when you get there
  6. Forward Crab Walk back down the street to the first turn-in
    • 25 Diamond Merkins when you get there
  7. Gorilla Shuffle to the flag poles
    • no exercise when you get there….it’s 6:13!
  8. Mosey back to the AO


No Mary – out of time

8 strong this morning:  Booster, Waxjob, Neutron, Scrum, Snaggletooth, Sweeper, Trolley, Bartman


Today’s workout was all about how to get from Point A to Point B.  In life we are usually focused on getting to “Point B” as quickly as possible.  “Point B” can be anything:  new job, more money, success, popularity, etc.  I reminded the group this morning that sometimes we need to slow down and enjoy the ride.  Take the long route, enjoy your current situation, stop & smell the roses.   Some of those are metaphorical and some are literal, regardless the point is that we don’t always need to be sprinting in a straight line at all times.  There are times to sprint, and there are times to stroll.  Pay attention and try to know the difference to prevent yourself from getting burnt out.



  • Hardship Hill coming up May 19th
  • Remember JUCO is now meeting on Friday each week