F3 Knoxville

Becoming a Better Man

THE SCENE: 30 and breezy.  We warmed up quickly though.


  • Leg stretch
  • Tempo squat x 10
  • Tempo merkin x 10
  • Side straddle hop x 20
  • Rockettes x 10

Mosey to the Dawn Wall & scale the descending ladder.   Work through the list of exercises, then rinse & repeat dropping the lowest rep exercise each round.   Run to the top of the hill after each completed round.

  • 10 Burpee
  • 9 Ear touches (4 ct)
  • 8 Thrust merkin
  • 7 Tempo squat
  • 6 Elevated hips
  • 5 Reverse lunge
  • 4 Mountain climber (4ct)
  • 3 Around the clock merkin
  • 2 Narrow squat

Bear square crawl.  4 cones in a square.  Bear crawl the square always facing the same direction.  5 merkins at each corner.

N/A out of time

Booster, Scrum, Sweeper, Bartman

In the challenge of being a better man, husband, father, etc. I have been consistently praying for three things:

  1. Wisdom
  2. Courage to follow God’s wisdom
  3. To see others as Christ sees them



Alcoa CSAUP coming up Feb 24

Three-Headed Monster

THE SCENE: 42 and georgeous

  • Baby Arm Circles Forward (IC) followed by Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward (IC) followed by Michael Phelps
  • 10 Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT
  • 12 Side Straddle Hops (IC) 4 CT
  • 12 Squats (IC) 4 CT
  • 10 Hand Release Merkins – OYO
  • 5 Burpees – OYO
  • 4 Sprints
  • Mosey


First Monster – 5 rounds

  • 20 calf raises on steps – OYO
  • 10 pull-ups on the walkway rails – OYO
  • 10 bench step-ups/box jumps – OYO
  • Repeat for 5 rounds
  • Mosey to fight the next monster

Second Monster – 5 rounds

  • 15 Dips and 15 Freedom Twists
  • Repeat for 5 rounds
  • Mosey to fight the next monster

Third Monster – as many laps as possible

  • 15 merkins and 25 squats
  • Run around the lot
  • Repeat until time called
  • Mosey to AO


  • Big Boy Sit-ups x 20 (OYO)
  • Box Cutters IC 4 CT


Bartman, Neutron, Peach Fuzz, Scrum, Sweeper & Booster


Lately, I have felt a little lost with my faith and what God wants for my life.  I’ve been in a funk and trying to get out of it.  I’ve started to ask God if He can guide me.  I’ve been searching for scripture that will help with focus.

Isaiah 43:2 “When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.”

Psalm 37:5 “Commit your way to the Lord.  Trust in Him, and He will act.”

Isaiah 41:10 ” Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.  Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.”

Philippians 4:13 “I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.”


Prayers for several F3 brothers recovering from injuries..


This coming SundayFebruary 4, F3 members will be leading a special workout with kids from the Mechanicsville and Broadway areas. In addition to the workout, we will also be delivering some much needed sports equipment.

All you have to do is show up. Come out, have fun and interact with the kids and let them see and experience positive, male role models. The workout will take place at The Wesley House (1719 Reynolds St. Knoxville, TN 37921) from 2:00pm – 3:00pm.  We will do a 45 min workout with the kids where we will partner up for team building exercises and gather for a BOM at the end.

2 Handfuls

THE SCENE: 41 degrees and overcast

Cherry Pickers x10 IC
SSH x20 IC
Torso Twist x8 IC
What time is it?
Ab Crabs x15 IC
Al Gore Tuck Jumps x8 IC
Planche Practice x5

Mosey to curb:
20x Calf Raise OYO
25% Run across lot
20x Calf Raise OYO
50% Run
20x Calf Raise OYO
75% Run
20x Calf Raise OYO
20x Calf Raise OYO

Mosey to the main quad, where the balance is set up.
One handful of gems loaded to one side of the balance (around 30-ish)

PAX assemble 40yd away.
Each HIM does sets of 15 merkins OYO, carries one gem to the balance.
R&R until the balance tips!
Peach Fuzz finally tipped it, so on to the next exercise!
Sets of 15 BBS
Came so close to tipping, but ran out of time!

Circle up on Six for
15x Side Crunch IC (each side)

8 PAX, including FNG: Jammies (Paul Hester Jr). Progeny of Peach Fuzz!
Colossians 3:23: Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.

This was spoken by Paul specifically toward slaves and their relationship to their masters, but of course it applies to us as well. I’m often guilty (this past week in particular) do doing things grudgingly rather than heartily. Whether it’s for your master, your employer, your spouse, your in-laws… do it heartily. Your mind has a lot of control over your emotions. If you make that choice, not only will you be honoring to God, you’ll do a better job and be happier for it.

Props to Jammies for finally posting after a bunch of EHing from all sides! Heads up, Big Ballers… I think the balance may be headed your way on Thursday. I’ll start the handful a bit smaller so we can get more in!
Don’t forget the Alcoa CSAUP 2/24

Jacque- O

THE SCENE: Cold- you know, if you don’t, get out of bed you dangus


Baby arm circles For + back IC x 10

SSH IC x 20

5 Burpees

Ice Skaters IC x 20


Mosey to Hill- stopped for some burps and lunges along the way

11s at the hill. Alligators and Squat jumps

Mosey back towards AO

30 sec step ups + 30 sec dips x 2

20 derkins

Continue mosey with some lunges thrown in there

Sprints x 3 sets

Sweeper joined us for some Mary

Flutter Kicks IC x 31

Peter Parkers

Lately I have been very focused on some goals. I have been doing a good job of not being distracted, but in the process I think I have lost the ability to catch myself from wandering. To be more clear, I do not catch myself thinking in certain ways. I went for a run recently, and I caught myself just thinking very negatively. I realized that I have not been aware of my thoughts to the point where I can catch myself wandering or thinking negatively. So, I regained control of my mind and thoughts while on the run and finished strong. This I think needs to be transformed to other aspects of my life. I need to catch myself when I am studying, and remind myself why I am doing certain things. I need to catch myself when I am distracted about studying when with my family. I need to try to be better about being present in the moment. I encourage you all to take 5 or 10 minutes during your day to pause and reflect on your thought patterns. If they are maladaptive, try to take control of them. Good work today Gents
Its cold…. but afterwards it feels good, so keep showing up. Eventually, you will adapt, or spring will come.

Murville CSAUP in Feb. Git rdy for it

Hills & Elevators

THE SCENE: a nice warm 33 degrees



Stretch a little & stay moving:  Run in place, 5 merkins, back to running, 10 Side Straddle Hops, back to running, 10 merkins


  1. Mosey to the Dawn Wall for some work
    • 7s:  squat jumps at top / merkins at bottom
  2. Mosey to the coupon pile
    • 4 corner elevators in parking lot
      • Corner 1:  10 Burpees
      • Corner 2:  10 Burpees; 20 OH Press
      • Corner 3:  10 Burpees; 20 OH Press; 30 Goblet Squat
      • Corner 4:  10 Burpees; 20 OH Press; 30 Goblet Squat; 40 Big Boys (with rock)
      • (ran out of time on way down the escalator….had to audible the reps)
      • Corner 1 descending:  20 OH Press; 20 Goblet Squat; 20 Big Boys
      • Corner 2 descending:  20 Goblet Squat; 20 Big Boys


  • Had to make it quick…not much time
    • Hello Dolly x 20
    • Hello Dolly (on elbows) x 10

3 strong at JUCO today:  Booster, Neutron, Bartman

Yesterday in Sunday school we talked about the importance of having individuals we are praying for.  I shared with the men today the idea of having a Top 5….that is, 5 people you are specifically praying for on a daily basis who are lost.  As you continually lift these 5 people up in prayer it will also create a top-of-mind awareness for you to look for opportunities to be bold and insert salt & light & grace in that person’s life.

Disclaimer:  non-original material.  The “elevator” portion was straight-up stolen from a beat down Proton delivered at the Dog Pound a few months ago.  Gotta give credit where it’s due – it was a good one and worth repeating!