F3 Knoxville

Peace of Cake

THE SCENE: 50 degrees and clear sky.  Beautiful morning.

Warm-up mosey to McDonalds followed by some SSH, Cherry Pickers, Burpees, LBC’s, Some of this and that, and CDD’s.
Headed up Heart Attack Hill!  Stopped 2/3 the way up for a breather and some CDD’s. Finished out the ascent.  Took in the view and some much needed oxygen.  Headed back down.  Explored steps behind shops a few times, moseyed back to campus.  Hit the railing and tables for a few inverted rows and step-ups/dips.  Had time for more mosey; circled the physical plant building and headed back to Start.

Bartman and Toto
Peace is an inheritance from God.  It is not worldly.  It is not something we create or need to search for.  It has already been given to us; we just need to choose to accept it.  Philippians 4: 6-7  Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.  His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Just the two of us this morning, but the F3 spirit was with us.  Racked up 2.6 miles and enjoyed the inaugural 300 FT ascent up Heart Attack Hill.  Great fellowship.

Welcome back Mayberry

The Scene – 60’s and fall like

Q– Frosty

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Cherry Pickers x 10 (IC)
BAC Forward and Back x 10 (IC)
SSH x 20 (IC)

Tha Thang
Mosey to stairs and grab a coupon
Run to top of the stairs, each trip adding the next exercise. Once all 4 are completed go in reverse
Curls for the girls x 15
Overhead Press x 15
Rows x 15
Werkins x 15

Mosey to parking lot for 7’s
Squats and BBS
Mosey to AO
Sprint across lot and back plus 10 merkins x 3

Got 45 minutes in and ran out of time

Count off and Name – O – Rama


Prayer requests for the PAX

Working for the wives

THE SCENE: 65 and clear

Q –  I-Beam



Cherry Pickers x10 IC

Michael Phelps

Baby arm circles x IC each direction

Mosey to the courtyard

Husbands and wives

Name: I-Beam

  • I – 30 SSH
  • B – 20 Crunches
  • E – 1 min wall sit
  • A – 50 SSHs
  • M – 20 burpees

Mosey around the courtyard

Name: Abacus (has trouble spelling….)

  • A – 50 SSH
  • B – 20 crunches
  • B – 20 crunches
  • A – 50 SSHs
  • C – 30 squats
  • U – 30 Baby arm circles
  • S – 30 Burpees

Mosey around the courtyard

Name: Resie (I-beam’s M)

  • R – 15 Merkins
  • E – 1 min wall sit
  • S – 30 Burpees
  • I – 30 Jumping jacks
  • E – 1 min wall sit

Mosey around the courtyard

Name: Loretta (Abacus’ M)

  • L – 2 min wall sit
  • O – 40 SSHs
  • R – 15 Merkins
  • E – 1 min wall sit

Ran out of time, mosey back to the AO

Prayed for our children, wives, and friendships in F3

One Tank and a few good men

The Scene: The JUCO  64 degrees and Nooice!

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

20x SSH
20x Merkins
20x Rockettes

Mosey to the pond
At each cone do exercise then run to next cone
Cone 1) 5x burpees, 5x low squat jumps, 5x get-ups each arm
2) 10x diamond mericans, 10x 180-degree jumps, 10x inch worms
3) 15x smurf jacks, 15x wide Mericans, 15x deep lunges
4) 20x mericans, 20x BBS, 20x dry docks
When finished, run back to six and finish with them together.

Mosey to coupon pile:
20x curls, 20x overhead presses, 20x tricep curls, with coupons, run to top of steps and and return x3

Mosey & Bernie Sanders to bottom of the AO hill, partner up.
Dora with 100x mericans, 100x squats

Flutter kicks

Count-off and Name-O-Rama

6 Ways Jesus Fought Depression

And taking with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful and troubled.(Matthew 26:37) There were several tactics in Jesus’s strategic battle against despondency.

  1. He chose some close friends to be with him. “Taking with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee” (Matthew 26:37).
  2. He opened his soul to them. He said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death” (Matthew 26:38).
  3. He asked for their intercession and partnership in the battle. “Remain here, and watch with me” (Matthew 26:38).
  4. He poured out his heart to his Father in prayer. “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me” (Matthew 26:39).
  5. He rested his soul in the sovereign wisdom of God. “Nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39).
  6. He fixed his eye on the glorious future grace that awaited him on the other side of the cross. “For the joy that was set before him [he] endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).

When something drops into your life that seems to threaten your future, remember this: The first shock waves of the bomb are not sin. The real danger is yielding to them. Giving in. Putting up no spiritual fight. And the root of that surrender is unbelief — a failure to fight for faith in future grace. A failure to cherish all that God promises to be for us in Jesus.

Jesus shows us another way. Not painless, and not passive. Follow him. Find your trusted spiritual friends. Open your soul to them. Ask them to watch with you and pray. Pour out your soul to the Father. Rest in the sovereign wisdom of God. And fix your eyes on the joy set before you in the precious and magnificent promises of God.

Burpee and Stuff…

70 and damp

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

– SSH x30 IC
– Burpees x10 OYO
– Cherry Pickers x10 IC
– Tempo Squats x10 IC
– Burpees x8 OYO
– Arm Circles Forward x12 IC
– Arm Circles Backward x12 IC
– Burpees x6 OYO
– One lap around the parking lot

Circle up under street lamp.

Start with 1 exercise, adding another exercise until all 5 exercises are completed in succession. Then, work back down until only the last exercise is left. 20 seconds (20s) per exercise:
– Exercise 1 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1 and 2 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1, 2, 3 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4, 3, 2 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4, 3 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5

– Exercise 1 = Burpees
– Exercise 2 = Narrow Squats
– Exercise 3 = Wide Merkins
– Exercise 4 = Tuck Jumps
– Exercise 5 = Dry Docks

Mosey to curb and partner up in teams of 3

Triple Sprints
2 men at Cone 1 (yellow cone) and 1 man at Cone 2 (yellow cone).  One man at Cone 1 runs to Cone 2 while other two men do exercises at the cone, stopping in the middle at the orange cone to do 3 burpees.  Then man at Cone 2 runs to Cone 1 while other men do exercises.  First man now runs to Cone 2.  Rinse and repeat for 6 minutes.

Upper Body
– Cone 1 = Diamond Merkins / Carolina Dry Docks
– Cone 2 = Shoulder Taps / Superman Swims

– Cone 1 = American Hammers / Lance Armstrongs
– Cone 2 = Flutter Kick / Hello Dollys

Lower Body
– Cone 1 = Prison Squats / Skaters
– Cone 2 = Lunges / Side Lunges

Number Off & Name-O-Rama (11 PAX)

Bless those around you.  Create memories, give life…consider others more important than yourself.

This was my first venture to JUCO, but won’t be my last.  The men came to work and that is exactly what they did.  Encouraged one another, pushed each other…HIMs every one!