F3 Knoxville

Viva Las Vegas!

THE SCENE:  66°F, clear spring morning – couldn’t be nicer


Cherry Pickers x8
SSH x15
Moroccan Nightclub x15
Freddy Mercury x11ish…until I screwed up the cadence

THA-THANGWelcome to Vegas, Baby!

Start by Hitting the Bars!

Mosey to the playground

Complete 3 exercises, doing as many reps as possible – add all reps to 100

  • Pull-ups
  • Supine pull-up
  • Dips


…mosey to the amphitheater

Next-up, Team Poker

Two teams.  One member from each team draws a playing card and lays it face up.  The suit and value of the card dictates the exercise and reps as detailed below.  Run to the cones at the top of the hill, perform exercise, run down and drop a poker chip in the pot.  Repeat to exhaustion.  Winning poker hand gets bonus 5 chips in the pot.

Numbered cards:
Reps = 10 + card value
Exercise is based on suit:  Spades = BBS, Clubs = Burpees, Diamonds = Imperial Walkers 4-count, Hearts = American Hammers 4-count
(e.g. 2 diamonds = 12 reps imperial walkers.

Face cards:
Jack = box jumps x 10, no run, Queen = bear crawl up, run down, King = run up, crab walk down, Ace = derkins x 15, Joker = ring the bell (couple hundred yard sprint)


…mosey to the picnic tables for some Table Games

10 Wing Nuts 4-count
10 Derkins

…mosey past the Bellagio.  High knee down The Strip


Flutter kicks x20 4-count
Carolina Dry Docks x20
Circle-O-Mary….squats…merkin pyramid…pickle pointers…

6 – Erector, Chaco, Archie, Rocket, Samaritan, KickFlip (QIC)

The flight back from Vegas is full of disappointed people who were hoping to get lucky and hit a life-changing jackpot.

Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no VISION, the people perish”

Proverbs 19:21 “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails”

The good things in life are far too important to be left up to chance.  Relationships – particularly with wives and kids, careers, lifestyle… these are things that you CANNOT leave to luck alone.
This week, prayerfully cast (or re-cast) a VISION for an area of your life that you’ve let slip into idleness (which we all do!).  Work toward that VISION, rather than letting life happen to you.

My VISION is to be consistent in showing warmth and affection to my wife – where laziness and living by chance alone makes me hot-and-cold, which is confusing as heck to her.

Here’s a good resource to help you categorically cast vision in your life; https://www.life.church/chazown/
(“chazown” is Hebrew for “vision”)

Virgin Q – thanks for not eating me alive, men!

Shaking the Rust Off

THE SCENE: 49°F, chilly and clear spring morning
WARM-O-RAMA: (all IC 4-count)

  • SSH x20 
  • Merkins x4 
  • Imperial Walker x20 
  • Merkins x6
  • Imperial Squat Walkers (or Imperial Squawkers) x20
  • Merkins x8

Mosey to the Square w/ the fountain
Complete exercises at each cone and keep running around the loop. Rinse and repeat until time is up.

  • Cone 1 – Jump Squats x20
  • Cone 2 – Shoulder Taps (4ct) x20
  • Cone 3 – Mountain Climber 4ct x20
  • Cone 4 – Squats x20
  • Cone 5 – Smurf Jacks x20
  • Cone 6 – Merkins x20
  • Cone 7 – Dry Docks x20
  • Cone 8 – Lunges x20 (10 each leg)

Short mosey to the large square planter area
Using 4 planters to make a large square:
At first corner: Scorpion Dry Docks x20
Bear Crawl to next corner
Next corner: American Hammers x20
Lunge to next corner
Next corner: Scorpion Dry Docks x20
Bear Crawl to next corner
Last corner: American Hammers x20
Lunge to next corner
Rinse and repeat

Mosey to Civic Center front walk
Merkins on 1 end of walk, squats at other end of walk

Mosey back to SP


  • Captain Thor (1 BBS for 4 American Hammers, up to 5 and 20) IC single count
  • Plank Jacks x20 IC
  • Flutter Kicks x20 IC
  • LBC x50 IC
  • Plank
    • Hand and leg up
    • Switch to other side
  • Stretching

8- Salad Boy, Samaritan, Kick Flip, Frenchie, Erector, Chaco, Snaggletooth, Archie (QIC)

An excerpt from Day 2 of “Known- Finding Deep Friendships in a Shallow World”
Theologian Paul Tillich articulated the distinction beautifully when he said, “Language…has created the word ‘loneliness’ to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word ‘solitude’ to express the glory of being alone.” One is toxic. The other is life giving.
The alone we speak of here is the toxic kind. Almost anything can trigger it. Aloneness unchecked turns us in on ourselves and destroys perspective. The gathered pain is an inch-by-inch slide off an emotional cliff. It is isolating. Left unresolved, it is a cancer.
Who chooses to be alone and disoriented in the dark? No one. Who wants to experience moments of unbridled joy or great hardship by themselves? No one. Human contact is life itself.
It is important to remember that F3 is intended to be more than just a fitness class. It is a venue for relationships. F3 is an excellent way to prevent loneliness for men.

The Dirty Dozen

THE SCENE: nice, clear, and perfect temp for a beatdown at the Project.

15 SSH, 10 Windmill, 15 mountain climbers, 15 Moroccan night club
The burpee mile: 12 burpees followed by 1 lap around the track. Repeat for a total of 48 burpees and 4 laps, 1 mile.

The dirty dozen. 3 exercises at each corner of the walk path next to the main parking lot of the AO.

1st lap:

  • 12 merkins
  • 12 squats
  • 12 Freddie Mercury IC

2nd lap:

  • 12 diamond merkins
  • 12 sumo squats
  • 12 Flutter kicks IC

3rd lap:

  • 12 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 12 iron Mike’s each leg
  • 12 heels to Heaven

Hello Dolly and LBCs
7 strong again this morning
Ephesians 5:1-5: be imitators of God. Be in the world but not of the world. We are called to be different in the way we act and live our lives. We are called to be Christ-like. Consider this when doing anything: “would Jesus be sitting beside me supporting this?”
Hard work by all the PAX this morning!
Abridged this Thursday. Hardship Hill on May 18th. Last day to get JUCO shirts.


THE SCENE: Beautiful…50s and clear

The usual…SSH, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Tempo Squats, Cherry Pickers

Unexpected closure of my favorite pull-up place… so we found a wall with a good height for muscle-ups.

(15 muscle-ups+15 dips) x3 rounds=45 muscle ups and 45 dips

Moseyed over to K-2(5) – K2 like the summit and K25 like the nuclear facility – our modest hill along ORAU Drive (staying away from the ORAU parking lot as Spotter and I were told not to use it without permission).

Partner up for Doras to work on the following:

  • 45 burpees
  • 45 BBS
  • 45 lunges (2-ct)
  • 45 squats
  • started on merkins until time.

Partner runs up K-2(5): 1st time – sprint up, mosey down; 2nd time – bear crawl up, mosey down; 3rd time – bernie up, mosey down. Rinse and repeat until all exercises are complete.

The usual: flutter kicks, Freddy Mercury, box-cutters – until time

7 HIMS worked on The Project today and got it DONE: Erector, Trolley, Rocket, Samaritan, Archie, FNG – Kick-flip (WELCOME), and Snaggletooth

Turned 45 this weekend and feeling it! But we’ve found a way to renew our strength – even in old age!

He energizes those who get tired,
    gives fresh strength to dropouts.
For even young people tire and drop out,
    young folk in their prime stumble and fall.
But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
    They spread their wings and soar like eagles,
They run and don’t get tired,
    they walk and don’t lag behind. (Isaiah 40:30-31, MSG)

Make time – take time – spend time waiting/hoping/trusting in the Lord. Not multitasking our quiet time. Solid, one-on-one time with HIM. And you’ll find you have the strength for everything you are called to.

Hardship Hill and Abridged

Persistence of Memory

THE SCENE: A lovely morning with just enough chill in the air to keep you from sweating too bad.

25x SSH IC
10x Cherry Pickers IC
10x Tennessee Rocking Chairs IC
10x Hindurkins IC
15x Mountain Parkers IC

Brought the memory game out once more. That’s some dang durable cardboard!
Managed to clear a little more than half the board before time ran out.

Super-fast Mary ‘cuz we just have a little time!
20x LBCs IC
20x Hello Dolly IC
10x Side Crunch IC (each side)

5 Project regulars were very welcoming to this guest Q… Even after I stole it from Snaggletooth…
Today’s word lifted from My Utmost for His highest – the one from last Saturday:

What To Do When Your Burden Is Overwhelming

As we work together, we get closer. The same happens as we cast our burdens on God… Not that we cast them away entirely, but we shoulder them together and in so doing become closer.

Only 2 more AOs that have not seen the memory cards… Look out Equalizer and Quacken!
Prayers for Trolley’s wife and family – related to today’s word! He knows what we need!