F3 Knoxville

Christmas Flyby

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: 40 degrees, 79% humidity, calm winds, clear night skies

SSH x20, Windmills x10, Overhead/Out Front hand claps x10

Various trips across the parking lot: run, Bernie, bear crawl, side shuffle

Retrieve CMU and overhead carry with both arms, then right arm only, then left arm only, then both arms as we travel to Mt. Crumpit.

Two stations were set up about 150 yards apart on the path below Mt. Crumpit.  Cardio and Upper Body F3 workout cards were at the first station (CMU’s were left here to assist in any exercise needing them).  The second station had the Legs and Core F3 cards.  A card was turned over at Station 1 and the exercise and specified reps were performed before running to Station 2.  Running back and forth between stations occurred until time was exhausted.  Any sprint, bear crawl, or Bernie card turn over at Station 1 required a trip up Mt. Crumpit and around the Christmas Tree.

Carry CMU’s back to the AO.

There were plenty of core work included in THA-THANG
8 HIMs and 0 FNG’s

Last Wednesday and Thursday, I had the privilege of watching the various services and tributes to the late George H W Bush.  I had a tough time staying hydrated.  All the water I drank just ran out through my eyes.  I decided that I really need to be more like him.  I have 28 more years to reach that goal, assuming I live to his final age of 94.

Listening to the seemingly endless accolades reminded me of the late General Fred Forrester from the McGhee Tyson Air National Guard base.  He was a Maryville resident and civic leader for many years.   Anyone who ever encountered Fred was made to feel like the most important person in the room.  Like the late President Bush he knew the value of friends and family.

Anyway, I wanted to share some things that I picked up watching the tributes to President Bush.  They are not in any particular vein of thought or theme.  They just stuck with me and perhaps they may have some significance to you.  Here are the quotes attributed to him:

  • We know what works. Freedom works. We know what’s right. Freedom is right.
  • It’s a very good question, very direct, and I’m not going to answer it.
  • Hatred corrodes the container it’s carried in.
  • The idea is to die young as late as possible.
  • Failure is part of living a full life but don’t let failure define you.
  • Old guys can still do fun things.

The prayer that George H. W. Bush recited at his presidential inauguration in January 1989 was another thing that impacted me.  Here is the full text of his prayer:

Heavenly father, we bow our heads and thank you for your love.  Make us strong to do your work, willing to heed and hear your will and write on our heart these words: use power to help people.  For we are given power not to advance our own purposes, nor to make a great show in the world, nor a name.  There is, but one just use of power and it is to serve people.  Help us remember, Lord, Amen.

President Bush was an excellent role model in many ways.  He will undoubtedly be remembered for the importance he placed on family and friends and for his dedication to serving people and his country.

I have much to do.  My 28 years are ticking down.

Prayers for Tin Man as he undergoes a medical procedure today.  We hope for his quick return to the Gloom.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.