F3 Knoxville

CMU Friday


THE SCENE: Well it’s cold 🙁

8 Tempo Squat, 8 x Tempo Archer Squat, LBAC’s, 10 4 Count Mountain Climber
CMU – Sea Biscuit

  • 10 Side to Side CMU Merkins, 15 Burpee Block Overs, 25 Swings, 30 Curls
  • Run 1 Lap
  • 10 Side to Side CMU Merkins, 15 Burpee Block Overs, 25 Swings, 30 Curls
  • Run 2 Lap
  • 10 Side to Side CMU Merkins, 15 Burpee Block Overs, 25 Swings, 30 Curls
  • Run 3 Lap
  • 10 Side to Side CMU Merkins, 15 Burpee Block Overs, 25 Swings, 30 Curls
  • Run 4 Lap

30 Second High Plank, 30 Second Low Plank, Flutter Kicks
Butterfingers, Hammy, Hotsquat, Pinnochio, Rep Sleepy, Hot Squt

Why do we give F3 nicknames, and what’s in a nickname?

I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and it often comes up during the workout.  Usually the comment is something like, “What ever happened to that guy named Terminator?  That guy sure had a cool nickname.”.  Honestly, we’ve had some pretty nasty nicknames, Code Brown, Abscess, Tinkle, Hotsquat…the list goes on.  None of the names are particularly vicious, but they require a bit of thick skin to bare.  That brings me to the point of the nickname.  F3 teaches us many things.  Among them is physical and mental toughness.  This nickname is sort of F3’s way of sorting people at at the get go.  If you don’t have a sense of humor and maybe even the humbleness to bare your nickname you’ve probably found yourself at the wrong place.  Doing burpees in the rain or bear crawling down the street in the summer heat is not your thing.  Your nickname reminds you that, whoever you are outside of F3 you are same as everyone else when you’re here.  So, stay strong and humble, and let’s take this into consideration each time we have an FNG step into the circle.

