F3 Knoxville

CMU rescue and Circle of rando

AO: juco
Q: Guardrail
PAX: Windex, Lt. Dan, Booster, Wanderer, Waffles, Erector
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Usual suspects, SSH, Windmill, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats

THE THANG: Found some “lost” grass covered CMU’s and carried them back to the pile. At regular intervals stopped for ABC, 123 – that’s Arms, Base and Core in 10, 20 and 30. Things like curls, dips, merkins for A. Squats, monkey humpers and hopping up loading docs for B. Flutter kicks, Heavy lbc, and similar for C. Threw in some burpees, Irkins, box jumps, derkins, and one legged burpee (to look like Lt. Dan) and then played some frisbee with penalty for dropping, till mary.

MARY: Freddy Mercury, Cherry Pickers, Imperial walkers.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Service Project tomorrow, Cove Next Saturday, Meal train for Maddie and Windex. Details in the next post.

COT: 2 Kings show that we as dads have a great deal of influence on the trajectory of our kids lives. Will our legacy to our kids be a good rut or one they have to get out of? Communicate with your kids, apologize often and speak of the hard things. And thank God for Jesus making a way for God to be our heavenly father that frees us, and them from the generational sin we see so much of (now and in the OT)