F3 Knoxville

Columbian neck tie

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: 50 degrees or so, gloomy, wet, slight rain/drizzle

Ssh x20 ic

sqauts x 20 ic

merkins x 10 ic

2 rounds w cmu of

cmu curls x 20 ic

cmu tricep extension x 20

cmu squats x 15 ic

Finsplints x 20 ic ( cmu on feet sitting on table , raising feet up and down working the shins )
Reverse Indian run to the Hump

  • 7s at the Hump. Big boys at the top, sundials at the bottom
  • Columbian neck ties which is basically a Carolina wine mixer burpee
  • At the base of kiddie slope, run to the first cone and back to the start , one CNT, run to the 2nd cone and back , 2 CNT, keep doing that increasing the reps. We had 17 cones spread out over about 200 yards . We made it to 10 CNT.
  • Due to time , we ran all the way up the kiddie slope to Plataeu of Pain and did 11 more CNT
  • Indian run around to Mt Crumpit for Lt Bernie . Run backwards 10 steps -4 squats, repeating this to the top of Crumpit
  • indusn run back to the AO

No time left
10 pax
Focus on what’s in front of you and not what is way ahead of you !
GUILTY! I was the one to set out the 17 cones all the way up kiddie slope to plateau of pain . Nobody else new how many cones we had to do when I was explainig Columbian neck tie. Well, when we crested the first hill, we all looked up and saw that we had A LONG WAY TO GO AND LOTS OF CONES! It made it worse thinking about how much we had to do to get to our goal which was the 17 cone .17 mikes away.

If I would have only focused on the next come in front of me and only that cone, it would have been easier. For me, I set the cones up but was still guilty of thinking about the end goal instead of the task at hand, the next cone in front of me. We can achieve much more than we think but only by taking it one step ( one cone) at a time. With out the men to my right or left of me this morning, I would have stopped short . Thanks for the push ! Love you guys
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