F3 Knoxville

Dazed on Suckmore

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: spring is in the air! Mid 40s. No wind. Very nice.

20 SSH. Some cherry pickers and piano keys. 10 imp squat walkers.

Head to mount suckmore. 

  • Rep counts
  • 5 . 10 . 15 . 20 . 20 . 15 . 10 . 5
  • Round 1:
  • Bottom: Monkey Humpers (single count)
  • Run Up
  • Top: Roller Berpees
  • Run Down
  • Round 2:
  • Bottom: Dry Docks
  • Top: Good morning

20 V-Ups IC. 15 flutter kicks IC. LBCs for time.
Was reading a book on generosity and got to a part that was around counting the cost. See moleskin

Sitting cross-legged on the dirt floor, halfway around the world, our friend ate a skimpy bowl of gruel that his hosts had given him. They wore facial coverings, so he could only hear their voices. 

“Aren’t you going to eat?” he asked them.

“No. We are fasting. Our ordeal begins next month.”

His hosts were Christians who had snuck out of their oppressive, anti-Christian nation to seek spiritual and theological training. He was visiting them for only one day and had just joined them at their secretive, rural retreat.

“What do you mean by ‘ordeal’?”

“We want to go back home to teach and train our brothers and sisters in Christ. When we return, our extended absence from the country without a visa will get us in trouble, and we’ll be punished. We will be imprisoned and will be beaten, tortured, and interrogated. This will last for months or years. Afterward they will let us go, and we can go minister. Eventually, if we are ever discovered, we will be executed. Only then will we have eternal rest in Jesus.”

Even their veils, his host later explained, were worn in preparation for what was to come. Each person wore them to protect one another’s anonymity so that later, under torture, they would not crack and identify fellow participants in the training. Despite the somber circumstances, however, these pastors-in-training were peaceful, resolute, and calm. Not only were they financially poor, they were also facing the threat of imminent torture and death.

Our friend later recounted this visit with these brave individuals. “They talk about baptism differently than we do. We talk about being baptized into new life. That’s true and beautiful. But we forget about the dying part. Baptism symbolizes the death of the old self. Death to our own plans. Death to comfort and security, if these things stand in the way of discipleship. These friends spoke of being ‘baptized into the death of Jesus,’ and they knew that it might literally mean their own death at the hands of oppressors.”

His eyes welled with tears as he continued. “They’ll never be beatified as saints by the Catholic church. Won’t ever get invited to speak at Protestant megachurches. They’re anonymous, and no earthly fame will ever come their way. But I’m not even worthy to sit at their feet. We need their perspective, their wisdom, their devotion. We have so much to learn from them.”

Excerpt From: “True Riches: What Jesus Really Said About Money and Your Heart” by John Cortines. Scribd.

This material may be protected by copyright.

Read this book on Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/book/406958539

Breakfast at Drifter’s on the 12th!