F3 Knoxville

Deck of Death Speedway Edition


THE SCENE: Mid-60s, cool but not too cool, great weather for a beatdown

SSH x20, Cherry Pickers x5, Little This, Little That, Michael Phelps
Deck of Death.  Circle up, PAX picks card to determine exercise and rep count.

  • Diamonds = Pull-up Hangs and Bent over Rows (handful of PAX use monkey bars to hold at 90 degrees pull-up while remaining PAX do Bent over Rows which is back parallel to ground and bring CMU up to chest)
  • Clubs = Goblet Squats
  • Hearts = BBS
  • Spades = Blockees (modified for whole group to Merkins after almost 75 blockees in 15 minutes)
  • Number card = number x 2
  • Face card = 25 reps
  • Ace = 30 reps
  • Joker = 40 skull crushers (tricep extensions over head)

Hold plank for time
14 HIMs with 2 FNGs – Outhouse (FNG Welcome!), Trousers, Doctor, Hooiser, Malfoy, Cow Patty, Halfday, Pennies, Shenanigans, Streaker, Rep Sleepy, XYZ (FNG Welcome!), Doppelganger, Grouch
Building from Trousers word on Tuesday.  As men, we feel as if we are not allowed to be vulnerable; that we have to pick ourselves up by our own bootstraps and do it alone.  YHWH never meant for us to go it alone in this world as Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says.  It is hard to open up because we do not want to be seen as weak or be judged for our failures.  However, there is some comfort in knowing that what we are experiencing, other man have experienced or suffered through as well.  You are not alone.  We need to stop pretending like we are and that we are the only ones who have experienced the things we have experienced when there are plenty of guys out there and can just say, “I hear ya man!  Life sucks!”
#thespeedway launch on Saturday from 6A – 7A!  Woop woop!  Convergence, July 2 @ JUCO.  No other beatdowns in Knoxville area on this day.  Go to JUCO or stay in the fartsack (psst, we’d prefer you come to JUCO).