THE SCENE: Nice and Cold, lower to mid 30’s
SSH x 25
Baby Arm Circles x 15 forward + 15 backward
Cherry Pickers x 10
Rockettes x 10
- Mosey to front of Greshem
- Doras – run to the stop signs and back while doing 100 merkins, 150 BBS, and 200 Flutterkicks
- Another round of Doras – same as before but with 75 Carolina Dry Docks, 100 American Hammers and 100 Box Cutters
- Mosey to parking lot across from AO
- 3 sets of: 10 Carolina Dry Docks, 10 Merkins, 10 Cobras followed by a run to the other end of parking lot and back
- 3 sets of: 10 squats, 10 Rockettes, 10 Smurf-jacks followed by a run to the other end of parking lot and back
Ring of Fire with shoulder taps, Merkins and Carolina Dry Docks
Shared from Bonhoeffer’s thoughts in Life Together.
1.) Community is not a guarantee, but rather a privilege and blessing. Plenty of believers around the world are isolated from community. 2.) We have a natural tendency to try to form our community into what we want it to look like, rather than praise God for the community He’s given us. Doing so is an attempt at denying someone of who they are in Christ.
Let’s be men who are grateful for the community we have, rather than men who try to conform others into what we want them to be
Brolympics sign ups are still open