F3 Knoxville

Family workout – Do things no one else can do

The Project

THE SCENE: Sunny Summer morning with plenty of 2.0s on hand

  1. Side Straddle Hop
  2. Seal squats
  3. High Knees
  4. Cherry Picker

Tour of the AO. Each Exercise 30 seconds AMRAP

  • Bell
    1. Step ups
    2. Dips
  • Bridge
    1. Imperial Squawkers  
    2. LBCs
  • K25 Hill 
    1. Mountain Climbers
    2. Bear crawl up hill
    3. Burpees
  • Pond
    1. Pushups 
    2. Run around pond
    3. Sit ups
  • Playground
    1. Climb and slide
    2. Pull ups
  • Amphitheater
    1. Basilisk
    2. Squats
  • Pool Wall
    1. Wall ups
    2. Bobby Hurleys

In addition to the tagged PAX, 2.0s were Batman, Raptor, Nerf, FNG – Buttercup, Lollipop (or the diseased one?), Go-kart, Ice Cream, Doughnut, FNG – Sweater, and FNG – Pikachu. Also, Borg brought his wife, FNG – Popcorn.
Great scene in Big Trouble in Little China where Egg Shen gives the heroes a potion that will let them “see what no one else can see. Do what no one else can do.” But you don’t need a magic potion. Each one of us already sees what no one else can see and has the chance to do what no one else can do. I see three things we should do in response to this reality so that we can be ready:

  1. Learn to do stuff – You can only do what you can do. Learn more and you can do more. Take the opportunities you have at home, school, and everywhere else.
  2. Pay Attention – If you want to act when the time comes, you have to realize that the time has come. Keep your eyes and ears open so you can see your opportunity when it shows itself.
  3. Step up – When the critical moment comes, it is often easy to look around for someone else to take action. Don’t wait for someone else, step up and take action. Nobody else can do it like you.

Great fellowship time afterwards. Kids really enjoyed it. We will look into another one of these in July.