F3 Knoxville

Fellowship-Snake for 36

AO: the-equalizer
Q: Blindside
PAX: Stripped, Ribbed, mouthwash (Mike), Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), High Heels, Brick, Glamper, Madoff (Daniel Hereford), Podium, Eliza, Junk (Sam Yoakum), Headgear, Ice Cold, MegaArm, Messi, SplashPad
FNGs: None
SSH IC x36 | LBAC each way IC x10 | Cherry Pickers IC x3
Mosey to Dock:
6 down of 6 exercises (CDD, BBS, Shoulder Taps, Plank Jacks, Mountain Climbers, No Cheat Merkins)
Mosey to Rock Pile:
6 reps of each of the following –> Bench, Goblet Squats, Rows, Curls, OH Press, and Triceps Ext.
Mosey to BathHouse:
6 reps of each of the following –> Pullups, Merkins, Lunges, Squats, Imp. Walkers, and Wide Merkins
Mosey to SplashPad:
6 reps of each of the following:
Step-ups/Box-Jumps, dips, Diamond Merkins, V-Ups, Incline Merkins, 4 ct. Hello Dollys
Mosey to Top of the World:
6 reps of each of the following:
Burpees, Squat Jumps, Smurf Jacks, Iron Mikes, Skater Boys, Georgia Cheerleaders
Mosey back to dock to do 5 of each exercise.
Time was called after the complete round of 5 at the Top of the World and a Fellowship Mosey ™ was made back to the ShovelFlag.

Squat Ring of Fire (3 down)

Go Ruck Basic

Don’t live your life passively. Don’t let things happen to you, go out and make them happen yourself. Take responsibility. Do the hard thing. Or risk losing it all.