F3 Knoxville

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith…and Football?


THE SCENE: Clear, 58 degrees, 87% humidity

1. Cherry Pickers (x6), 2. SSH (x20), 3. Hairy Rockettes (x10), 4. Tempo Squats (x10), 5. Tempo Merkins (x10), 6. Toe Merkins (x30)
Mosey around the outer loop to the coupon pile in a line. With a football, 2nd in line will throw a pass out front to the 1st in line. Receiver makes the catch, ball goes to the next 2nd in line and he falls to the back. Repeat. If you drop or incomplete a pass, both passer/receiver will drop and do 2 burpees and fall to the back. Continue until we reach the coupon pile.

Grab a coupon and do the following sets before running up the stairs and back (x3):

  • 20 curls
  • 20 overhead press
  • 20 tricep press
  • 20 upright rows

Mosey over to the Courtyard and do the following sets before running a long lap (x3):

  • 10 wall jumps
  • 20 (10 per leg) lunges
  • 20 squats
  • 20 SSH

Mosey back to COT with football passes. 1. Flutter Kicks (x30) 2. Freddie Mercuries (x20)


15 HIMs including 3 RUSH. 1 FNG @Hamburglar (Jason Wood)

I was driving to work yesterday trying to think of what I might say here today. And during that time a car sped up next to me and cut in front of me without a signal and then slammed on their brakes and cut into the next lane before turning right. He cut 2 people off!! I thought about that for the next hour. An hour! I nearly let that 10 second episode ruin my entire morning.

Now that was small, but imagine something more thought out and manipulative. What does that look like? What does that do to you?

Forgiveness can be defined as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve it.

Well what does Jesus say about that? He said in Matthew Chapter 6:14 “For if you forgive others their offenses, your heavenly Father will forgive you as well. 15 But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses. That’s pretty significant.

Peter denied Jesus and he received forgiveness. Afterwards, he asked Jesus “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me?” He says, “Seven times?” Jesus looked at him and replied, “No, not seven times, but seventy-seven!” (Matthew 18:21–22). Or interpret that as 70 x 7 = 490.

Most of us have at least one or two people who seem unworthy of our forgiveness—people who caused us great pain, and hurt us in ways only tears and anger can express. We can forgive everyone but them. But these are the very people Jesus has in mind.

Before Jesus died we had a certificate of debt on file in heaven. All of our sins, listed. Why do you think Jesus had to suffer and die the way He did? Symbolically, His body became that list of our sins, the record of our debt. The debt was owed to God, and in one moment at the cross, He canceled it out forever. If God did that for us, we must do the same for the people we hold locked away in unforgiveness.

Forgiving people like this requires a supernatural love that is bigger than us. It’s beyond our own ability to keep forgiving. None of us can give or receive unlimited grace and forgiveness unless empowered by the Holy Spirit. It has to be a God thing. It doesn’t mean we have to forget or that we are wise to always trust again, but ask and give it over to Him.

Shamrock AOQ change on May 25, Rampart Skeletor VQ on May 23rd, Rampart launch May 30th.