F3 Knoxville

Game on…

The Dog Pound
AO: dogpound
Q: Einstein
PAX: Earmuffs (Dan Studt), Aladdin, Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), Bartman, Pew-pew, Lightweight
FNGs: None
The usual

We set up some bases and broke into two teams. Each team roll the dice, run to that base and do the exercise along with each base after that one. For example, roll a 2 and skip the exercise at first, but must work at 2,3 and home. First team to 5 won.

Exercises. All 20 ct.
Rd 1 Merkins, Squats, BBS, Burpees
Rd 2 CDDs, Twinkle Toes, Freddy Mercurys, Burpees
Rd 3 Shoulder Taps, Lunges, Gas Pumpers, Burpees

No Time


Adultery is a slippery slope. If you think you’re struggling, seek accountability or be prepared for the consequences. Bible filled with examples. Psalm 51 David commits adultery and pays a heavy price. In Genesis Joseph successfully avoids temptation. Be strong Men and protect your relationship with your wife.