F3 Knoxville

Get started and see how far you go

Big Ball

THE SCENE: 30* but little wind, ready to go

Even/odd static stretches for 20 count: middle, left, right
BAC forward and reverse
Tempo lunge
Mosey out of SP and over to the amphitheater, stopping in front of the stage.

  • 10 Bulgarian split squats (10 each leg)
  • Sprint the stairs, mosey back down to the stage
  • 10 calf raises on stairs

Repeato with 15 reps

Mosey further to the parking lot behind the Min Kao building on UT campus for Charles Bronson.  Three cones set up, with 5 exercises at first cone.  Perform exercise, sprint to second cone, bear crawl to the third cone, mosey back and move to next exercise.  Repeat for each exercise.

  • 50 SSH on 4 count
  • 50 Merkins
  • 50 Burpees (yup)
  • 50 Big boy sit ups
  • 50 Jump squats

Mosey back to amphitheater, need to balance out the leg work with some upper body.  15 decline merkins, 15 regular merkins, 15 incline merkins all done in succession with no rest.

Mosey back to start point for Mary.

Flutter kicks
Heals to heaven
Feet elevated crunches
Boat canoe flutters led by Pfeiffer
10 Strong: Pfeiffer, Rusty, SiPad, Pullups, Amazon, Half Caff, Ivy, G6, Swanson, Abort
I’ve noticed on weekends that I am either extremely lazy or extremely productive, and usually nowhere in between.  I either just lay around and never get started doing anything or once I get started it just leads to staying busy.  The latter was yesterday, and it simply started with doing laundry early.  Then I painted something I had put off for months.  I fixed a broken section of fence that has needed attention for at least a month.  Cleaned up the utility room.  Found clothes to donate….I just encouraged men to get started with something and see how far it takes them to accomplish other things as well.

Keep Rick (G6’s son) and Blake (Scope’s father) in our prayers as they both have surgeries upcoming.
Hardship Hill teams need to form up soon!!