F3 Knoxville

Get to work

The Project

THE SCENE: Cold with some fog.

  • High knees
  • Projectivators
  • Tempo squats
  • Arm circles
  • Michael Felps
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Newton’s cradle
  • Rising Wave – Iron Mikes around the circle, add one each loop until everyone is going


On the Way

  • Pool Wall – 10 Murpees
  • Dash line – In turn, do a pushup, sprint to the east end

American Legends circuit – Picked enough stations for the group, rotate stations when the logs make a lap, switch up the stations once one full circuit is completed. We finished 2 circuits.

  • Paul bunyan – drag a couple logs around the islands, flipping flapjacks (tire)
  • John henry – sledge hammer on tire, clean and press (steel bar)
  • Pecos bill – riding (squat pulses) with cmu, Man-nor-king-nor-beast (Stand-lunge-bearcrawl-lunge-stand)
  • Johnny appleseed – bobby hurleys (picking apple’s), Tree (mountain) climbers
  • Casey junior – put your feet up (cmu heel taps), check your watch (curls)

Sometimes I can get too focused on ideas, like justification by faith, so that is distracts me from the mission. Johnny Appleseed was a great example of someone who lived and acted without being distracted. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” DO THAT.
Snaggletooth on the road this weekend. Biohack looking at a business venture.
Blood drive the 29th at Lakeshore Park. CSAUP the 30th at Asylum.