THE SCENE: Not hot , not cold , but the air was a bit stagnant
SSHx10 ic
run a lap stopping at the corners for ascending burpuess 1-5 and stopping once for some crowd pleasers at the road. Aka monkey Humperdinck 10 ic
Hey Buddy !!
- Partner up . Each partner runs the loop in opposite direction. Every time they meet up they do the said exercise .pyramid Scheme, adding exercises and then dropping the first exercise after the 5th lap
20 reps of each exercise
Lap1- Merkins
Lap2-Merkins, Big boys
Lap3 -merkins, BBS, Peter Parker’s (4ct)
Lap 4 -Merks, BBS, Peter Parker’s , monkey humpers
Lap 5 -merks, BBS, Peter Parker’s, monkey humpers, burpees
Lap 6- BBS, Peter Parker’s, monkey humpers , burpees
Lap 7- Peter Parker’s , monkey humpers, burpees
Lap 8 -monkey humpers , burpees
Lap 9- burpees
Lap 10- victory lap !
mosey to the field
- 4- 50-75% good form 100 yard sprints
Star gazers x 10 ic
flutters x20 ic
30 gas pumps OYO
10 pax
You therefore must be perfect , as your Heavenly Father is perfect
The Bible verse above popped up as my nightly verse. I read it and immediately thought …how can I be perfect like god ? Impossible !! It’s a common verse but took me by surprise. I opened the verse to read the rest of the chapter. Love your enemies and pray for those that prosecute you. This world is full of hate and we need to turn that around for the good. What a better way to do it , than with F3 and the positive impact it has had in Knoxville.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.