F3 Knoxville

Homeschool (6th Grade Math) – Heavy PT @ The Project

The Project

THE SCENE: Perfect gloom – 50 and foggy in the ‘Kridge.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Regular stuff + New stuff for Corona

  1. 15 SSH – 4ct, IC
  2. 10 Tempo Squats – 4ct, IC
  3. 10 Tempo Merkins – 4ct, IC
  4. 10 Plank Jacks – 4ct, IC
  5. 10 Seal Clap – 4ct, IC
  6. 10 Moroccan Nightclub – 4ct, IC
  7. 10 “Projectivator” (The Project Motivator – much better than the regular Motivator in the Exicon. Just sayin’…)
  8. Mosey to RC (Recruiting Center Parking Lot)


2 CMUs per PAX. Begin Exercise 1 at STARTEX (Parking Lot Island), when complete Farmer Carry (pinch grip) (FC) to other Parking Lot Island and execute Exercise 2. Farmer Carry (FC) back to STARTEX. 2 Rounds each pair of exercises. Rinse/Repeat for each pair of exercises. (We made a few modifications along the way…)

  1. Blockees x10/FC/Pliometric Push-ups x20 (REPEAT)
  2. Kettle Swing x20/FC/American Hammer x20 (2ct) (REPEAT)
  3. Thrusters x20/FC/Tricep Extension x20 (REPEAT)
  4. Lateral Step Up x20 (10/leg)/FC/Single-Arm Row x10/each arm (REPEAT)
  5. Overhead (Military Press) x20/FC/Curls x20 (REPEAT)

No time for Mary – too busy bustin’ CMUs…

Kickflip, Rocket, Slappy, and Snaggletooth!


This season of expected homeschooling and online learning has taught me several things: 6th Math happened for me a very long time ago. I didn’t do so hot the first time around, lo, these never-you-mind-how-many-years-ago. My daughter and I have spent 20 hours in the last 3 days working on her math assignments (with a few back assignments to catch up on). After several hours of her old man showing her how it’s done, we took the test and we scored a whopping 50%! Major hit to my self-esteem – my anger and irritation demonstrated that I did not appreciate the humor in it all. Looking back, I owe her an apology for being so cranky. But I am learning her strengths and weaknesses, and I’m gaining a compassion that motivates me to help her in a way that helps her, and not just cater to my ego. I am learning to love her by seeing her, what she needs, how she learns, what she avoids and what motivates her, and I know better how to love her and pray for her. But there’s something else going on that’s pretty important: I am learning that God is at work in me, shaping, teaching me. I am hearing Him. He has been teaching ME during this homeschool season.

What’s He teaching you in homeschool?


We shared and prayed – and we’re believing God for a miracle and for the grace, peace, and strength to keep believing that He is good and faithful in all things. That’s better than the workout!

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