F3 Knoxville

Hunting Wabbitt- Natty Style


THE SCENE: Clear and 60 degrees

Windmills x 10 IC, Barishnikov Squats x 10 IC, Imperial Walker squats x 10 IC, SSH x 25 IC, Chinook OH arm circles IC x 10 both directions

HUNT Wabbit

The plan is to follow the arrows and find the cones that have exercise instructions.  There will be little rest on this hunt.  A couple surprises may be found at the end.

  • Backwards Run, 1 lap around the parking lot
  • Lunge walking across street to next cone, then 25 Merkins
  • Duck Walk to pavilion, then 50 BBS
  • Jog to Rock Pile, then 10 Burpees..then grab one large rock
  • Run to next cone (Marathon gas station) with rock, then do 100 chest presses
  • Mosey / Run to back Parking lot, next cone with rock
  • Set rock down and perform 150 squats
  • Advance to next cone, hold an Al Gore then grab a partner
  • Wheelbarrows to next cone…switch, wheelbarrow back
  • Grab rock back and run back to Gas station….side shuffle middle front lot, opposite side to end of front lot
  • Advance with rock to rock pile and dump it.  Then perform 5 Burpees
  • Run to splash pad benches and perform 25 descending Merkins
  • Run to Planter Boxes and do 25 step ups followed by 20 Dips
  • 1st one done grabs cone across street and keeps the hidden Natty Light (A-Rod winner..he thinks)
  • 2nd pick runs to available prize cone….but Tractor failed to advance to proper cone, no worries as Mr. Wedgie grabs the prize and cone (Turtle Anarchy Stout)

Flutter kicks x 25, Hello Dolly’s x 25, Boat Canoe led by A-rod the remaining time
7 Vets including: A-Rod, Mr. Wedgie, Tractor, Herbie, Zamboni, Whammy, Natty
Take the time to slow down and be a turtle, not a rabbit.  Listen to friends, family, co-workers, the sounds of nature.  Soak it in and learn.  Learn how to relate to others on their level and communicate.
Dudes, thanks for the opportunity to be part of this awesome group of leaders…speaking of which, its time for some new ones to Q!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.