F3 Knoxville

I told them we’re doing burpees and people showed up


THE SCENE: Beautifully muggy morning.

SSH, Little Baby Arm Circles, Tempo Squat, Tempo Merkin, Mosey to back part of track.
The dissected burpee: Each round you do 20 reps of one part of a burpee followed by a run around the track.  Bernie on the back straight stretch of the track.  The rounds go as follows

  • In and outs: squat down with hands on ground and kick legs out into plank position then back in.
  • 1 lap around track
  • Merkins
  • 1 lap around track
  • Jumps or Bobby Hurley
  • 1 lap around track
  • Burpees
  • 1 lap around track
  • Rinse and repeat

cherry pickers, wind mills, little baby crunches until time.
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I finished listening to “The Four Hour Workweek” a couple of weeks ago and I remembered I had saved a couple of quotes from the book for a Q.  Fast forward to the night before the beatdown, when I had just found out a vacation I thought I had booked for someone (I’m a travel planner) had actually been canceled due to an error on my part and they are traveling in a little over a month. Well the hotel they had is no longer available.  I felt sick and lost sleep over this.  I finally decided there was nothing else I could do that night so I had to prepare for my Q.  I looked up the quotes I saved and of course they both were about making mistakes.

“There are 2 types of mistakes.  Mistakes of ambition and mistakes of sloth.  The first is the result of a decision to act, to do something….  The second is the result of a decision of sloth.  To not do something.  Where we refuse to do something out of fear.”

“Only those who are asleep make no mistakes”

Ingvar Kamprad ~ founder of Ikea

Don’t fear making mistakes.  Own them.  Learn from them.  Give yourself grace.

And in case you were wondering: Fortunately the family was very kind and gracious toward me.  They found another option and I tried to make up for it by throwing in a VIP experience on me.  Things probably would have been fine without adding on the VIP experience but I felt it was the right thing to do

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Men’s Meating 8/20, Run with Hope 8/20, Beer Mile 9/10