F3 Knoxville

Iron PAX Week 2

AO: thequacken
Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Z-Pack, Gmail, Herbie, Hobie, Prairie Dog (Trey Barrett), Reroute (F3MintHill), Streetrod, Streetrod
FNGs: 1 Streetrod
Warmup Stuff

IronPAX Week 2

Not today

2nd F Lunch – let’s do it!
Sign up to Q! Its good for you

I reflected on the leadership lessons gained while throwing sandbags across a field in the rain last December. It was a team exercise and I was chosen by Steam and CRISPR to get a group of 10 other men to throw sandbags about 100+ yards in about 2 mins (I think). Two lessons became clear.

Use heads-up leadership = don’t get so focused on the small task in front of you that you lose sight of the big picture and your team’s health or progress. It might mean that you intentionally devote time and attention to how the team is doing vs just trying to throw “your own sandbag” as far as possible.

Don’t panic – It really doesn’t help you accomplish your or your team’s goals

I related this to an on-going work deadline I’ve been going through, which is a complex project involving several people in the office and several people outside of the office.

Throwing the sandbags took about 2 minutes, but I have thought about those 2 minutes many times during the last few weeks. Was it exercise? Yes, but it was so much more!


Also, it was great to have Reroute (F3MintHill) downrange from Charlotte and FNG Streetrod join us.

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