F3 Knoxville

Jump and Roll


THE SCENE: 70 degrees and calm


WARM-O-RAMA: SSH IC x20, Cherrypickers IC x10, Tie Fighters IC X10 each leg, mosey around campus

THA-THANG: (Teams of 2)

  • Teammate 1 rolled a dice (dice has preset workouts on it) on a table and performs the workout. If dice falls on the floor during the roll reps are doubled. If the wildcard is rolled the pax must put on a 30lb vest run to the pull up bars, perform 5 pull ups and run back.
  • Teammate 2 is jump roping while teammate 1 performs their exercise
  • Once teammate 1 completes their exercise they run to teammate 2 and they swap positions. Teammate 2 rolls, teammate 1 jumps rope and so on.
  • Continue pattern until recover is called

MARY: Cool down stretching

COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA: Rep Sleepy, Pennies, Doctor, Cow Patty, Banjo, Dodger, Doppelganger, Shenanigans, Master, Streaker, Austin Clark FNG (Pious)

CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: Build habits from the bottom up (Principles from the book Atomic Habits)



  • 8/20- 5k or 10k walk/run for Hope Resource Center
  • 9/10 Beer mile at Moses’s house
  • 9/10- Memorial Stair Climb at Lakeshore Park