F3 Knoxville

[mountainbiking] Lost and Found

Asylum AM
AO: mountainbiking
Q: Tank (Chris DeFranco)
PAX: Abscess, Flashback, Headspin. Scotty Hicks, Repeat (Todd Reynolds), Tank (Chris DeFranco), Tropicana, @smedium
FNGs: 1 @smedium
WARMUP: lose Tropicana right off the bat…but we found him.

THE THANG: Concord: head out from upper ball fields and go to the down hill intersection. Move towards the new trails and rode down them. Can’t remember their name. Then we took the new trail down to the bridge and went over to Calloway Ridge. Took claim letter up and looped around shades and hit the little jump trail . Went back to the bridge and back up to the new trails, did about three runs down and back to the cars. I was riding the new trail and I hit one of the jumps and I felt a small bird fly on to my back, it grabbed me by the shirt and lifted me up on each jump. It told me I was special and the I could have gone pro if I would have started when i was 4. It told me to pull over and take a break. The other guys kept riding but I stopped and the bird fixed me a nice omelette with his own eggs and poured me a glass of Chianti. It was very nice. Abcess doubled back and said, dude…let’s go the cops are coming. Apparently he was in the business of selling illegal wigs made from endangered animals and they were on to him. We all jumped in Headspin’s VW bus and took off. If you read this far, add a monkey emoji below. If you didn’t read this far then don’t. Wait….what?

MARY: n/a

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bentonville trip

4 ways to be an HIM and follow God
1) Focus on being one-faced. Practice not saying anything about anyone that you wouldn’t say to his/her face.

2) Be someone who de-escalates situations. Avoid spreading rumors and falsehood, and always give others the benefit of the doubt when you don’t have all the facts.
3)Help someone who is in need.

4) Do whatever you possibly can to be at peace with those you would consider enemies.