Q: FixerUpper
PAX: Z-Pack, fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Lizzy, Gmail, Gordie
FNGs: None
Ruck a lap around the park
Ruck up some hills and back down them. fast-n-easy (Nate Votta) brought a child to carry. Just in general, its best to check with the Q for the day before bringing children. Also, the child was female? (ok, actually, it was an awkward 50# bag of sand).
We carried her around until Gmail dumped her into the AO parking lot.
About a 2.8 mile loop.
MARY: nah
Smokies Convergence tomorrow at SoKno (South Doyle HS)
There are some uncomfortable parts to the Psalms. However, we shouldn’t avoid thinking about them or trying to understand them.
Remembering these are important
the context of when and why Psalms were written
the “whole counsel of scripture” (i.e. Jesus’ teaching)
we should not attempt to edit the Psalms