F3 Knoxville

Not my timing, but yours…

The Dog Pound RAW

THE SCENE: 40 and brisk

Quick demonstration of the exercises while the PAX shook their arms to stay warm.
Modified Kraaken

Exercises in the circle:

La-Z-Boy curls

CMU Squat Press

CMU Tri-lunge


kettle Bell Single OHP

medicine ball jump shot

hula hoop (sling 40# sandbag around the waist, grab behind the back with the other hand and repeat around the horn)

60# Sandbag Clean and Press x12

Clean and Press was the timer, everyone continue until the C+P guy is done. Then one lap around the circle with the CMU overhead. Pick a new station and keep going.

25 4 count CMU LBCs

25 4 count CMU flutter kicks
Mayberry, Wallball, Excitebike, Frank, Aladdin and Junk

“Though he slay me, I will hope in him”
‭‭Job‬ ‭13:15‬a
Many times over the last few years I have considered this little snippet of scripture. Sometimes while teaching a lesson on the sovereignty of God, or considering my sin in comparison to His eternal goodness, or simply recognizing that I am His creation/soldier/son to will and to do of His good pleasure. I have considered challenges, illnesses or even persecution’s and in my hubris thought, “yeah, I would respond that way. Though He slay me yet will I trust Him.” I realized last week, I have never once allowed for “though He slay HER, yet will I trust Him.” There is something about being a man that we can consider ourselves being sacrificed and see it as noble, tough, even our duty. But as I consider the potential loss of my wife, or the loss of a child…it becomes so much more real. The tears come fast and easy. Finding the joy of the Lord is hard; hope seems so distant. How shallow of me to be willing to give of myself, but not to give of what I love so dearly. In a way, giving my own life costs me nothing – and I am reminded of David’s insistence that he would not give what cost him nothing. So, while I am confident in Kim’s diagnosis and treatment plan and know that this should not take her life – I will spend these months trying to learn to say and believe that “though He slay her/them, yet will I trust Him.”


This was my first Q in a while. Many of the PAX have stood by Lady Junk and Me during this battle with Hodgkins Lymphoma and we are grateful. What a wild ride.

Brolympics Saturday

Butters’ son’s heart/lung condition