F3 Knoxville

Poles in the Cold


THE SCENE: 25 degrees and breezy.  Misting off and on.  No breeze where we did the workout so that was nice.

Side straddle hops, little baby arm circles, and then mosey across bridge behind softball field.
There are 10 light poles between the 2 bridges behind the softball fields.  We did a take on a suicide using these poles.  At each pole was an exercise the each HIM was to do to the next pole.  Once they reached the next pole they were to run back to the start are do all the exercises all over again until they got to a new pole/exercise.  Ended up modifying about half-way in to where you just ran to the new pole/exercise after going back to the start.  The exercises were (maybe in the correct order):

  1. lunges
  2. bear crawl
  3. broad jump
  4. crawl bear
  5. inch worm
  6. burpee broad jumps
  7. murder bunnies
  8. overhead carry
  9. redrum/ressurection bunnies

Had no time for Mary
We did this thanks to Smuggler!
Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day so I’ve been reading his letter from Birmingham jail this week.  If you’ve not read or listened to this, I highly recommend it. It obviously addresses a lot of racial injustice, which we still need to hear today because it’s still happening!  He also makes many fantastic points that are just great for life in general.  I wanted to highlight a few that stuck out to me this week from the first half of the letter.

“But more basically, I am in Birmingham because injustice is here.”

He sought out areas of injustice and went there.  Are you where injustice is?  We often don’t like getting out of our comfort zones and injustice is definitely uncomfortable, even if you are not the victim of it.  I’m challenging us to find injustice and be there!

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”

If you are part of something bigger than yourself then you are indirectly affected when others withing that bigger entity are affected.  Injustice impacts us all so we should all find ways to be part of the solution.

“In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; negotiation; self purification; and direct action.”

Steps 1 and 2 are so often and so easily skipped over.  If you are going to be a conduit for positive change, none of these steps can be skipped.

“we repeatedly asked ourselves: “Are you able to accept blows without retaliating?””

We can all stand to ask ourselves this each day.  This is very applicable to any relationship but especially those we are close to like our spouse.  Retaliation, typically with words, is often our instinct. Let’s work on training that out of our systems.

Go read or listen to his letter!

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