F3 Knoxville

Rabid Foxes are after Tank


THE SCENE: Nice summer morning

Rockettes, Merkins, shoulder burners and stretching
Mosey long way around track and up to the splash pad parking lot for some Kraken. Do exercise and qty then run lap around perimeter. (50yds) after completing 4 exercises do 2 laps, after completing a full round run down to the playground and touch something.

1) 25 Merkins
2) 10 burpees
3) 30 squats
4) 20 OH press 35lbs 20 curls
5) CMU Farmers carry to center and back x2
6) bear crawl to center and back
7) SSH X30 (4-count)
8) 50 LBCs

After a while do Bernie Sanders around the perimeter.

about halfway into it, we took a break and ran 5 25yd sprints to get the body out of routine.

Ran down to lower lot and did one merkin at each parking line (15?)

American Flag inspired me to do 50 flutter kicks
5 pax
God gives us our lives to make a difference. Although we I think we’re not worthy, he has created us to do great things. Example of a bar of iron not costing much in its simplest form, but when it is changed into paper clips, surgical needles,  Spring is for watches, that little bit of iron is priceless. Challenge yourself daily to take what God gave you and use it for building his kingdom.  Prayers for our wives and friends going through cancer
I (Tank) Found out that a simple fox looking at me coupled with a light going off makes me freak out. I thought he was coming after me!, Also depending on the context, “run down to the playground and touch something” can get you in a lot of trouble.
Coffeeteria on Thursday at the dog pound