F3 Knoxville

Sacred Cow visits the burbs



With Ruck on, 20 merkins 20 squats oyo. Figure 8 mosey to the top of the Y parking lot , 20 and 20 again. Figure 8 through the parking lot back down to AO for last round of 20 and 20 oyo
Sacred Cow ruck march

  • 10 pax buddy up
  • 8 pax carrying sandbags
  • 2 pax carrying Sacred cow on his chariot!
  • The catch? The sacred cow can NEVER EVER touch the ground . She is sacred , of course!
  • Once burned out from carrying the cow, we switch out the pax to take the cow. We had to work as a team to do this. 2 pax would grab the sides of the chariot to releave the pax carrying for the next 2 to carry.
  • We rucked to the school and back to an open field
  • at the field , who ever was not carrying the sacred cow would squat thrust and throw their sandbag forward, also switching out w carrying the cow and not letting the cow touch the ground. We squat thrust threw sandbags for about 100 yards.
  • Once at the bridge , we went back to Rucking w the sandbags in order to make it back to the AO for some PT sandbag work
  • once at the AO, 2 pax carry the cow the short loop. Once 2 pax complete the short loop w the cow, 2 more pax take the cow around the short loop. Again, not letting the cow touch the ground
  • While the cow made it the loops , pax not carrying the cow did said exercises .
  • Sandbag lunge twists
  • front loaded ruck big boys
  • lovers squat ( goblet style squat w sandbag)
  • sandbag chest press
  • over shoulder sand bag cleans
  • you do the same exercise until the cow made a complete loop, then you bump to the next exercise
  • reps were not counted. You did as many as you could w good form until you got bumped
  • the cow actually touched the ground 3 times, which meant a penalty
  • 5 Ruck burpees each time the sacred cow touched the ground. We did 15 Ruck burpees

Ruck flutters x 20 ic

ruck overhead presses x15 ic

American Ruck hammers x 20 oyo
10 pax strong
Nothing inspirational for me to say but we did carry the cow for almost an hour and covered just over 2.5 miles with out it touching the ground This could only be done working as a team and we conquered ! Not a lot of miles, no lung busting runs,  not a lot of reps of said exercise , just team work and embracing the suck together !

sacred Cow sucks!
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