F3 Knoxville


Truck Stop

THE SCENE: clear and cool

10 cherry pickers I.C

10 Merkins I.C

  • 20 SSH I.C
    Mosey to the concrete bleachers 60 reps total w/ partner DIPS, DECLINE MERKINS, BOX JUMP
  • Mosey to the soccer field, 7’s burpees and jump squats to mid field
  • Mosey around the field, 10 square merkins (groups of four)
  • 7’s Merkins and tempo squats to mid field
  • Mosey around the field, two rounds of around the world merkins
  • Mosey back to concrete bleachers, 30 dips, 20 diamond merkins, 2 minute wall sits
  • Mosey back to soccer field, 7’s BBS and 3 ct flutter kicks to mid field
  • Mosey around the field 7’s burpees and jump squats to mid field
  • Mosey around the field and back to AO

Core exercises to finish out: 15 box cutters IC, 25 american hammers IC, 2 minute boat canoe.

Ephesians 6:10-17

In my reading in the book “Wild at Heart” I was pondering how prevalent the enemy is in our daily life and we may not realize it. The idea of Satan fitting into our theology is an easy enough concept but our modern age has a political, psychological, or scientific explanation for almost everything. We can often times read right past some scripture that attributes illness, depression, or misfortune to satanic forces but not really expect to encounter that in our daily life. I encouraged the PAX to understand how badly Satan desires to destroy anything that bares God’s image specifically our marriage. It is imperative that we as men know who we are in God’s eyes, and who our wives are in His eyes as well. if we meditate on this often it will be far less likely for the enemy to gain a foot hold in our lives.
Truckin to the pound Oct. 28th and two year anniversary f3 knoxville Nov 2nd.