F3 Knoxville

Slingshots Fired

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: It kind of felt like we were standing right outside a dryer vent that was working on a load of towels. That is to say, pretty humid.

In cadence: 20 SSH, 10 Imp Squat Walkers, 10 Merkins.
Slingshot to the church parking lot. I.e. one partner farmer carries 2 CMUs whole the other does 10 Merkins and 10 squats, then runs to catch up and swap.

At the church. One partner Lt. Dan (2 lunge, 1 squat) to 3rd median and jog back. Other partner loops on 20 CMU Swings, 20 Curls, 20 Alpos. Complete 2 rounds.

Slingshot to educator for 7s. Thrusters and Body Builders.

Trudge back. Stopping for some Mary on the way.

In cadence: 20 Flutter Kicks, 20 Hello Dolly, 20 broken gas pumps (pause and count 3 on the outs and the ups).
8 HIMs, 1 2.0, 1 FNG from out of town.
Been having an odd few weeks. Been thinking about changing up careers and all sorts of crazy stuff. At the root of it all is a sense that I want more direction from God on what I should be focusing on with work, home, and serving others. Got a bit of a Holy Spirit gut check when He asked me to look at the “resume” of my last few weeks at home. I had been tense and not very encouraging or helpful to my family. If I were looking at hiring myself for similar service/work with others, I would not pick me for the job. While this was extremely convicting and humbling, it also gave me a lot of clarity and peace. I need to be focusing on what’s right in front of me as practice for whatever is to come. I need to face helping out around the house with joy rather than frustration. When I am faithful with this little, then I can be entrusted with much.
Veep wanted it noted that for the Farmer carry, I was partnered with the 2.0 and had one brick. I will also note that the 2.0 did not carry my CMU, so there…. Also need to note that this was absolutely brutal. Only reuse when needing to punish someone.
Of the chain is postponed until aug 21. Moses’s thing is still on July 17. Be sure to sign up for head count. Also a 3rd F type thing is happening on Aug 14 at Swerve’s church. See slack for details.