F3 Knoxville

Special 7s

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: A little (not much) warmer. Like 36 or so. Had just a little bit too much clothing on.

20 SSH, 10 IC Merkins, 10 IC Squats, 5 Cherry Pickers

Special 7s are like normal 7s, but after completing the final 6+1, there is an additional round with 7 reps on each end of the run/hill/what-have-you.

Round 1 on the Grinder. Sideways step ups on one end (1 leg up counts as a half rep, so 2 count?), Pull-ups on the other end. Just run the grinder.

Round 2 on Waxjob hill. Hand release merkins at the top, Donkey Kicks at the bottom. Just run the hill.

Round 3 on a tiny hill next coming up to the grinder. Burpees at the bottom, Big Boy Sit-ups at the top. But here’s the kicker. Crab walk feet first up the hill. Bear Crawl down the hill.

Round 4: Pax Roulette for 15 minutes. One PAX calls out a movement for all others while they complete 5 pull-ups and run back.
I guess the Pas Roulette was kind of like a long Mary….
6 PAX! Good work getting out guys!
Been reading in Genesis lately and there is a repeated patterning of 7s. In Genesis, God Shabbat (rested) from all His work on the 7th day. That pattern moves into there being a command to keep the sabbath and make it holy. Then fast forward to Jesus’s day and He is healing a man on the sabbath and it really seems like He could have done it on a different day if He had just waited even a few hours potentially. So, what is He doing? It seems He’s making an even bigger point about being the Lord of the Sabbath than I noticed on readings I’ve done in the past.
Anyway, the point is that I set aside some time to read and really got a lot out of it after doing some work to really slow down and think about it. I encourage you all to read something slowly and carefully this week. There really is no substitute to meditating on something that is well written. It seems like people back in the day made time for it. I don’t know that we today have that much more going on of importance to have an excuse not to slow down every once in a while and read. We just choose to do other frivolous things instead.


Don’t forget about Hot Squat’s camping trip!