F3 Knoxville

Standard Work Day


THE SCENE: Overcast 32 degrees

Windmill x 10 IC

Tempo Squat x 10 IC

SSH x 30 IC

Imperial Walker x 10 IC
Wheel of Animal Walk:

  • Frog Hop across parking lot (hands on head). 10 Merkin on curb
  • Bear Crawl across parking lot. 10 merkin Left hand on curb
  • Duck Walk across parking lot (hands on head). 10 merkin Right hand on curb
  • Crab Walk across parking lot. 10 merkin with feet on curb

Super 21: Perform 1 squat/1 BBS, 2 squat/2 BBS, etc

  • Squat/BBS Reps 1-10
  • 21 standard merkin
  • Squat/BBS Reps 11-15
  • 21 CDD
  • Squat/BBS Reps 16-18
  • 21 Ranger Merkin
  • Squat/BBS Reps 19-21
  • 21 Mountain Climbers (4 ct) IC

Suicide Ladder:

  • Sprint to first cone and back and do 10 Monkey Humpers
  • Sprint to second cone and back and do 15 burpee
  • Sprint to third cone and back and do 20 smurf jacks

Lunge down length of long parking lot and Bernie back

11s: Dips and inclined merkins at planters

Flutters x 30 IC

Our actions/decisions affect more than just ourselves. The effect on those around us to people beyond what we can see or ever know is unknown. There are consequences to our actions. Jesus Christ took the punishment for all sin. He took all of it before we knew Him out of love. Accept you mistakes, deal with the consequences, seek forgiveness. Above all know you are loved and you can get up and continue to move.
Pray for friends step-son as he deals with decisions he has made.
ANNOUNCEMENTS:Fast-N-Easy VQ Thursday!!!!!