F3 Knoxville

Stickin Together

Big Ball

THE SCENE: A nice cool 68 degree morning. Slightly foggy.

Cherry picker ic x20

Baby arm circles ic x20

Forward hamstring stretch

Downward dog calf stretch

SSH ic x30

We moseyed to the base of the Big Ball itself. YHC began by identifying what would be used as four corners: the current spot, just across the water at the amphitheater, further along the water at the West end of the bridge, and finally the East side of the bridge. Pax were to complete a set of exercises at each corner oyo and then wait until the 6 was in. Pax would mosey to the next corner together. Exercises at corners 1 and 3 would be the same, and exercises at corners 2 and 4 would be the same.

Corners 1 and 3:

  • Super skaters x10 each leg
  • Standing lunge x10 each leg
  • 1 leg deadlift squat x10 each leg
  • Monkey humper x20

Corners 2 and 4:

  • WW2 situps x20
  • V up rollups x10
  • 2 count American hammer x20
  • Crunchy frog x20

Once we returned to corner 1, we moseyed on over to a nearby cone. YHC pointed out that there were three additional cones just like this first one lined up approximately 30 yards apart. Begin at cone 1 and follow as instructed below. Sprint between each cone.


  • Sprint to cone 2 for 6 merkins
  • Sprint to cone 3 for 6 LBCs
  • Sprint to cone 4 for 6 squats
  • Sprint back to cone 3 for 6 burpees
  • Sprint to cone 2 for 6 werkins
  • Sprint to cone 1 for 6 American hammer
  • Complete a suicide as quickly as possible

Drive thru enjoyed this exercise so much he asked that we repeat it. We obliged him and did just that.

Returned the flag just in time for some 6-minute abs:

Freddy Mercury ic x20

Heels to heaven ic x20

Flutter kicks ic x10

BBSU ic x20


Giving Abort credit for the Q since I’m not in the QIC dropdown yet.

I am thankful for F3 and the ability to have a like-minded group of men that will support and encourage almost anywhere in the country (and even some other countries! Shoutout F3 Nairobi). Having only moved to Knoxville a month ago, I wanted to take some time to appreciate this group and make sure that we do not take for granted what a gift this group is