F3 Knoxville


Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: 69 degrees, 95% humidity, mostly cloudy

SSH, Arm circles, Plank walkouts, Imperial squat walkers.

Mosey across the AO and then skip back.

Mosey with CMU toward Mt. Crumpit, drop off CMU, and head to the fountain.

Progressive Light Pole Workout

Do these reps of the following exercises. (6-9-15-18-21)

WWII’s at Base

Merkins at Poles

Mosey back to the CMUs at Mt. Crumpit.

Partner 138’s

Modified Dora where one starts the doing 138 reps with CMU while partner run to back side of Christmas tree, does one burpee, and heads back down to pick up where partner left off.



Floor Presses

Bent Rows

Russian Swings

Triceps Extensions

Lawn Mowers (Each Arm)

Upright Rows

Note:  Most made it to the Russian Swings before heading back to AO.  138 Thrusters were a little much.

Box Cutters, Flutter Kicks, LBCs.
9 HIMs
Heard a song from 1969 on the way to the beatdown, “And When I Die” by Blood, Sweat, and Tears and my watch recorded 69 degrees during our workout.  That’s appropriate because today is my 69th birthday.  The reps commemorated my milestone with a total of 69 merkins and WWIIs.  Divide the partner workout reps by 2 and that’s also 69.

The concept of goals came to mind as a topic to discuss.  I worked for a company for 42 years, 35+ full time and then another 6+ off and on after “retirement.”  We lived, breathed, and died by objectives – setting goals.  We had goals, stretch goals, super stretch goals, short term goals, long term goals, etc.  By and large goal setting and working toward them is good.  Personal goals are good too.  I’m not talking about New Years resolutions.  They are goals, but seldom do people, especially me, put much thought or dedication toward meeting them.

I remember a personal goal back around 1978.  I ran 5 or 6 days a week; mostly with two other guys. One was about 15 seconds faster per mile than me and the other about my speed.  I had a goal of running a 10k in under 40 minutes with my daily runs of around 3.5 miles at a pace of 7:30 +/-.  My first race, the second running of the Knoxville Expo 10K in 1979, I beat that goal with a 39:31 time.  My problem was that I did not have a goal set for myself after that.  I quit running for two or three months until I realized that I had set the wrong goal.  It should have been something like miles per week or runs per week.  Once I got my head right, I got back into it until plantar fasciitis put an end to serious running a few years later.

As I said, goals are good if we put thought into them, make them reasonable, make them a target that is tough to meet.  Our faith needs them, too.  They can be centered around Bible reading, quiet/prayer time, attending church, being an active volunteer in church, putting our faith into actions.

What goals do you strive to attain?  Give it some serious thought.

Remember Kim, Dan, and their children as they face Kim’s losing battle with brain cancer.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.