F3 Knoxville

Birthday Burpees Bring Big Blessings

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.
Ankle Roll x 5 ea OYO
Calf Raises x 10 + x 5 ea OYO
Cherry Picker x 5 IC
Drinking Bird (Flamingo) x 5 ea OYO
Tempo Squat x 10 IC
El Capitan x 8 (2 forward, turn around and 2 back out)
Werewolf x 5 OYO
Overhead Clap x 10 IC
Neck Roll x 5 ea OYO

Falling Indian Run – Burpees / Merkins / Squats to the football field parking lot or the hill

El Capitan up the hill if we have to go around
Squats at the top 10 each person / til the 6 gets up the hill.

Mosey carefully down to the Bleachers.

Snake up and down – every other row a PAX stops.
Incline Merkins going up
Squats going down
Overhead Clap at the bottom

Repeat for all of the bleachers

May modify this depending on the PAX’s mood:
Burpee Broad Jump on the track (5 each) back followed by El Captain or if it’s not too tiring / finishes quickly repeat in reverse. Mod = Core to let the PAX catch their breaths and Lunge and then core (also can do if we don’t have to run around)

Mosey back
Crawl bear down the hill
5 Burpees at the Bottom. Plank for the 6 if necessary.

Falling Indian Run – Burpees back to the #ShovelFlag

Burpees Squared –
PAX pair up. Each PAX runs the squar but at each corner the PAX does a Burpee starting with the corner where all PAX are. While the burpee running is happening other pax does one exercise:

LBC Pickle Pointer Fluter Kick Squat

Dealer’s Choice (almost ended with Pickle Pointer Ring of Fire (starting with 3)
Dealer’s choice but every exercise has to be a Burpee)

9 men got their weekly dose of burpees!


Today’s my birthday! I’m so happy to share it with you men at the start!

As many of you know, lately I’ve had my thoughts on a certain person. She’s gotten my attention and my thoughts go there often. But the best part about her? She fills my thoughts with the Word of God. We talk about it all of the time.

We discuss what we’re meditating on, what we’re reading through, what our devotionals that we read says (we even discovered we have the same daily devotional book)!

Many people probably know what the greatest two commandments are. Love God and love others. This fulfills the whole law! The Jews counted up 613 different laws from the Torah to be followed and yet if you did these two things you would fulfill the law.

Coupled with this is what Jesus said with your heart – what you meditate on, what you think about, will overflow. This is also stated in the same passage that Jesus quotes when asked about the Greatest Commandment in Deuteronomy 6:4-9:

4 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[b] 5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. 8 You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. 9 You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Obedience to God’s law is threefold: immediately, completely, and joyfully. We can ask God to help us follow through, especially with our hearts, as we think about The Good News of Law as my church put it during a study we did this summer.

So today, dwell upon, meditate on, talk about, and think of God’s law. You will see the fruit of thinking about how good it is all the time with a heart that overflows with belief of the same.

Birthday Q’s seriously make your day go so well. 11/10 would recommend any opportunity you get to Q on your bday to do it!
IPC still happening. Brolympics 11/5/2022 at The Asylum. Watch Slack for sign-ups.

Shamrock – Walls of Jericho

THE SCENE: So humid

Run in a circle, side to side, butt kicks, high knees, run, stop. 

Stretching – Quads

Mountain Climbers – IC – 15 – 4 count 

Cobra stretch 

Tie Fighter 4 CT x 10 each

Smurf Jacks – 20

Cherry Pickers x5

1-2-3 MerkBurpee (Wide-Standard-Tri) x 3 


Mosey to the CMU pile 

Grab a CMU – I set out 4 extra CMUs with a rope around 2, with 2 more stacked on top. 

Form a large circle for the Walls of Jericho

Round 1

1 man will walk backwards dragging 4 CMUs around the full circle, during which the rest of the men will:

Curl CMU AMRAP until the 1st man makes it back to their spot

Smurf jacks AMRAP while the next man drags the quad CMU around, 

  • 1-2-3 MerkBurpee (Wide-Standard-Tri) AMRAP
  • Start back over with Curls, then Smurfs, then 1-2-3 MerkBurpees. 
  • We had 11 men so this took a while

Round 2

Once everyone has had a turn we do it again, but with 3 different exercises. 

  • Jumping Spiders – AMRAP
  • Bobby Hurly – AMRAP
  • Tricep CMU – AMRAP

Round 3

  • CMU Twinkle Toes “Heavy Twinkie”- AMRAP
  • Alternating CMU Merkins – AMRAP
  • Bench press while doing flutter kicks “Flutter Press”? – AMRAP

We made it through all 3 rounds and had 5 minutes to burn at the retention pond gully. We ran up and down twice and did some long planks



Dealers choice – BBS, Merkins, V-ups, flutter kicks

11 men – Nature Boy, Osteen, Fabio, Crawl Space, Pom-Pom, Waxjob, Betty, Dumpster Dive, Curry, Mermaid, Anchorman, 


Resolution and Review 

Resolution – a firm decision to do or not to do something. Sound like a Yoda quote. 

From the devotions from Thomas a Kempis a 14th century Christian 

“In the morning make a resolution and in the evening examine yourself on what you have said this day, what you have done and thought, for in these things perhaps you have offended God and those around you. “

An example for a resolution to start your day – Pray that God would help you to consider others throughout the day more than yourself. Pretty easy to sit in bed at night to rewind and playback parts of your day. Was I self serving today or did I serve others? 

In the same devotional Thomas says “Just men depend on the grace of God rather than on their own wisdom in keeping their resolutions.”


It is NOT a Fitness Expo


Partly Cloudy Temperature Feels Like Humidity Wind Speed Wind Direction
69 ℉ 70 ℉ 99% 3.5 mi/h SW

Delivered as desired. I am not a professional.


Jack of All Trades. – Stolen from Blockbuster F3 Phoenix
Inchworm into plank
5 Plank Jacks
5 Peter Parkers
World’s Greatest Stretch
5 ranger merkins
5 fire hydrants each leg
Inchworm back to standing
10 backslappers
5 sweater squats – straight leg bent over for 5 count
stand up and pull sweater apart for a 5 count
5 seal claps
5 overhead claps
5 side straddle hops
5 heel raises


Mosey to Football Field. Moving on Field along mapped path. The path mapped the letter ‘F’ and number ‘3’. At each corner, small number of exercises where done. The F included burpees, merkins, and shoulder taps. The 3 included squats, monkey humpers, and calf raises.

Moved to track. As many laps as possible. Each lap had six stations, three at each end. So, sprint then A mosey B mosey C. Then the other half. Sprint A mosey B mosey C.
A: Merkins
B: Abs (LBCs or BBs)
C: Monkey Humpers or Squat Jumps
Sprint the straight sections and then mosey in between the stations in the corners. Rep counts where 20 first lap, 15 second lap, and 10 for every other lap. Most of the PAX completed four laps. Some more. Some fewer.

Mosey off track to picnic area. 20 Dips. 20 step ups.

Back to the flag.

20 Flutter Kicks
16 Pickle Pointers
13 Pickle Pounders.
13 better men.

For Baby Boomer and all those traveling this week.  And for all the sick and suffering.  For the unsaid prayers in our hearts.

2nd F opportunity at Swan Cabin for the nights of the Sept 16th and 17th (Fri & Sat). See Waxjob.

Competition & Challenges

THE SCENE: Less hot than it has been, but still hot enough to cause one to drip massive amounts of sweat off their nose

25 Side Straddle Hops because Pool Boy was not yet in attendance
5 Cherry pickers
10 Baby Arm Circles forward & backward
Arm Stretches
Quad Stretching

Mosey to the Merkin Mile
1st round
Pair up with a partner, and at each line one partner does 5 merkins, at the next line the 2nd partner does 5 V ups, and rotate in this fashion until you reach the next speed bump.  At the end, swap exercises and work your way back.
2nd round
Same format as before, but 10 squats while the partner does 10 LBC’s
3rd round (cut short for time)
Same format but one partner did 20 Shoulder taps, while the other partner did 10 BBS

Time was called and we set a timer for 10 minutes.
The goal was to hold plank starting on your elbows for as long as you could.  When you break plank you perform the following:
10 Burpees
10 Lunges (5 each leg)
20 High knees
then resume the plank position.  It was ok to modify to planking from your hands.

Repeat this until the timer sounds at 10 minutes.

There was no time for Mary, we did plenty of core work during the workout.

Simple, love God & love others.

Health Expo at Catholic Friday evening and Saturday.
The project is changing the AOQ on Tuesday 8/23, if possible let’s got support them.

Chasing Weighty Goals

THE SCENE: Just about perfect with low humidity and comfortable upper 60’s
PAX got to enjoy an immediate round of burpees as the QIC screwed up the F3 order; finished off with a round of SSHs, one tempo merkin, some tai fighters, and squatting Grady corns

Never ending pain circle… 4 stations (aka corners) with specific workout at each (1. CMU Squat Thrusters, 2. Alternating CMU Merkins, 3. CMU American Hammers, 4. CMU Kettle Bell Swings).  Start at 20 reps per corner in first round and drop by 1 rep in each subsequent round.  Perform exercise, sit down CMU and run a lap, rifle carry CMU to next station, rinse and repeat.

Overtime fun… mixture of murder bunnies, rifle carries, dock loading, and some curls to finish off before restocking those lovely cinder beauties.  (@Betty managed to run through his CMU doing a murder bunny… so we worked in a few burpees on the way back to the AO)


Had time for a howler monkey circle as we closed out the sesh.

11 HIMs started and finished the beatdown

Setting goals… been thinking through my personal goals for the year and recent months and considering ways to improve my success rate.  Important to set S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time Bound).  But more importantly to share them with others to hold you accountable.  Dave Ramsey said that “a list of goals with no actions [or accountability] is just a wishlist”.  Encouraged the PAX to set goals, share them someone, and get after them!  Read Proverbs 21:5 “Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.” NLT

Prayer Requests:  1) @Dumpster Dive and @Charmin wisdom to make some key decisions at their practice; 2) @Longnoodle having some personal challenges and needs widsom, strength, and discipline; 3) @Pom-Pom’s 1 month old daughter having a medical procedure today – healing and recovery