F3 Knoxville

Sham-Rocks (CMUs) and Sham-logs

THE SCENE: The Shamrock, perfect weather. Good humidity to get the sweat going

warmup stuff

Divide up into teams of 3.

One team member  carries a big  log, smaller log, heavy CMU or a regular CMU to cone. Switching carriers at each cone. Teammates not carrying the item run ahead to the next cone and do the exercise associated with each item.

  • Big log- burpees
  • Smaller log- squat jumps
  • Heavy CMU- Merkins
  • Regular CMU- lunges

once you reach the end, go back the way you came.

depending on time I’m probably going to make stuff up after this. But it won’t be easy.(update: no time for anything but a cone clean up run)

You know the drill. Stuff that makes your beer belly hurt.

12 including one FNG “Utah” (FBI agent)

What does Endure mean? What does Enduring mean? What is Hardship Hill and Operation Enduring Warrior? We answered those questions and more this morning.

Apparently the workout is sneaky. It starts off a little slow but gets you in the boo boo by the end……unless you started with the big log and burpees.

Did you know that Boo Boo is also Yogi Bear’s side kick? He is a forever-loyal buddy, always willing to join in Yogi Bear’s exploits and schemes to pilfer the next basket of treats from unsuspecting Jellystone Park visitors. Most importantly, Boo Boo serves as Yogi Bear’s conscience, constantly reminding him of the danger or consequences of their actions.

Yogi Bear is a loyal older brother figure to Boo Boo and accepts him unconditionally, regardless of how much Boo Boo complains or worries. “The Ranger isn’t going to like this, Yogi” is one of his trademark expressions. Boo Boo’s loyalty and concern for authority – and being the cute “straight man” to Yogi Bear the comedian – is what makes him so endearing.

boo boo is also what some parents call an injury to their children. “Did you get a Boo Boo on your knee Billy? No mom, my leg was torn off at the knee by that mountain lion over there. I don’t think that qualifies as a boo boo…but thanks for noticing mom.

boo boo. It’s also what a stuttering ghost says.
Well enough about boo boo, let’s talk about you. How have you been?

hello?….so you’re not going to say anything? Fine then. Don’t say I didn’t try.
I’ll give you another chance. Would you like to join the “I read Tank’s BB club? It’s very exclusive. Today, all you need to do is put a gorilla emoji, no comment just an emoji on the slack post. And just like that you are in.

HHOCR and Wesley House workouts

Planting Shade Trees

THE SCENE: 68 but pretty humid…it was great!

  • Reach for the stars
  • Let it hang
  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward (IC) 4CT X 10 & Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward (IC) 4CT X 10 & Michael Phelps
  • Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Tempo Merkins (IC) 4ct X 10
  • Mosey


DORAs – one works, one runs

  • Diamond Merkins X 100
  • Big Boy Situps X 100
  • Bobby Hurleys (aka Chris Loftons) X 100
  • Carolina Dry Docks X 150
  • American Hammers X 150
  • Lunges X 150
  • Merkins X 200
  • Hello Dollies X 200
  • Squats X 200
  • Calf Raises (Toe Merkins) X 250
  • Flutterkicks X 250
  • Wide Merkins X 250


Part of the Q


!8 men w/ 1 big dog; Titan joined us as well


Dennis Swanberg, The Swan as he is known across the country is a former preacher turned Christian comedian and motivational speaker.  He spoke to us and some donors at KARM not long ago.  He weaved in humor and scripture seamlessly.  He was truly amazing.

He spoke about his immigrant great-grandparents who had to make their way in this vast, new land called America by the sweat of their brow.  And, considering that they settled in Texas, they sweat A LOT.

One day, when his great-grandfather was still a very young man, a neighboring farmer saw him out in front of the family home, meticulously burying dozens of acorns.  The farmer approached the grandfather, laughing, and asked, “what in the WORLD are you doing?”

“I’m planting shade trees,” the grandfather quietly replied as he continued dropping seeds into the warm soil.

“Shade trees?” the farmer exclaimed, “Don’t you know it will take YEARS before these things are big enough to provide any shade? You’ll be long gone before then!” he stated smugly.  The grandfather continued planting–determined.

“I’m not planting them for me,” he said patiently, “I’m planting them for my grandchildren.”

The lesson was about how his grandfather planted shade trees for his property that he never got to sit under. Swan’s father and future generations got to get blessings from those shade trees.

Donors of KARM are planting shade trees for poor, homeless, addicted, mentally challenged.

Judge Judy is planting shade trees mentoring that kid whose father is in jail.  Others are volunteering at the Wesley House planting shade trees.

Volunteer soccer, baseball and softball coaches are planting shade trees by teaching the game, character, teamwork.

Preachers, Sunday School Teachers, youth sponsors all planted shade trees over us in hopes that someday we’d figure it out and live out what they taught us.

The best shade trees you’ll ever plant…Are the ones you’ll never sit under!
None of us are self-made. We’re all sitting under “shade trees” that were planted by our forefathers, by our families, and by our friends. Now, it’s your turn to leave a meaningful legacy by planting your own shade trees for others to sit under.

Not everyone can be a legend, but everyone can leave a legacy.


  • Sign Up To Q/VQ
  • Saturday is Off The Chain CSAUP at the Dog Pound
  • Get ready for the Iron Pax Challenge


Burpee Baseball @ Shamrock

  • Welcome: 1 and all.
  • Warmup: A little bit-o-this, little bit-o-that.
  • Workout: Burpee Baseball
    • Two Teams (split up as even as possible).
    • Player at bat throws a ball (from home plate) into the outfield as hard as can then runs around the bases doing two burpees per base (of the specified type) and then run home to get a point.
    • Player from oposing team goes an fetches the ball (starting from home plate) and must do 5 burpees of the specified type at the ball and then run to home to get a point.
    • The player who gets home first wins the point (ball).
    • Teams switch “At bat” turns every three runs (plays/at bats/competitions)
    • Both teams in the “Dug outs” do matching burpees of their player who is in the current play.  So if your player is running to fetch a ball then you do 5 of the burpees (of specified type).  If your teammate is throwing the ball then you do 6 burpees (of the specified type).
    • The team with the most balls wins the game.
    • We almost got through 20 balls and had one home run (Nice huck @Jenner!)
    • Third game of Burpee baseball ( Game 1, Game 2)
    • The Type of burpee is written on the ball itself and is one of the following
      • Burpee with plank jack
      • Burpee with one leg
      • Burpee with Iron mike
      • Burpee with Donkey Kick
      • Burpee with Double Squat Jump
      • Burpee with Parker Climbers
      • Burpee with Lunge
      • Burpee with Frog
      • Burpee with Big Boy
      • Burpee with Release Merkin
      • Burpee with Double Merkin
      • Burpee with Imperial Walker
  • Warmdown:  None.
  • Wrap up Word: 
  • Announcements:
    • Dad Camp
    • Of the chain (CSAUP)
    • Hard ship Hill

Head to Head Competition


tempo merks
tempo squats
baby arm circles
cherry pickers
quad stretch
arm stretch


Break into 2-4 teams depending on how many PAX show up.
max reps on each.
1 Planks
2 Hand release Merkins
3 100’s at the track, may have to run heats with a winner’s and loser’s bracket
4 Big Boys
5 Wall Squats

We broke into 2 teams.  Team 2 beat team 1 by a score of 23-7.  Points were awarded 3 for 1st, 2 for 2nd, and 1 for third.
LBC’s for the remainder of the workout, about 2.5 min

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

F3 Dad’s Camp

“I’m curious about the chicken, eating the rock.”

The Scene

Beautiful morning for some 1st F 

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


Seal Claps

Imperial Walkers

10 count squats

Tempo Merkins

SSH stopped counting at 5 and went to 22 everyone did not stop together so we did 3 burpees.

Mountain Climbers


Moseyed around and then back to where we started the warm-up and grabbed two rocks each from the retention ponds area


Between each exercise, we bear crawled up the railroad tie stairs, Bernie the parking lot to the light pole and jogged back to our rocks and planked or hollow body holds for the 6.

25 Skier swings

20 Shoulder press

15 Triangles

10 Rock Pass Through Lunges (Pass through each leg was 1 rep)

5 burpees over the rock (back and forth was 1 rep)


Mosey to Racketball Club Way climb and setup for some DORA 123

100 Squats

200 BBS with legs flat on the ground

300 SSH

Partner 2 ran up Raquetball Club Way at a distance chose by Corona Weight (about half way up the climb) 


Mosey back to the AO with a detour through the small retention bond at the school entrance and a quick stop for a 7’s session

1 Skater Hop (Side to side was 1 rep)

6 merkins at the middle light pole

2 Skater hopes (side to side was 1 rep)

5 merkins at the middle light pole

….. You get the idea

We had enough time for a fellowship mosey to the AO and time was called 30 seconds past 6:15


No time but we did plenty of BBS as a group


17 HIM including 1 FNG welcome Highlander


Some words were spoken about honoring others in your life.

Honor says “Where do I position myself to bring the best out of you,” not “What do I expect you to do for me”. 

“To show honor to someone is grace in action. Be excellent at handing out pockets of grace as people learn and grow, particularly when mistakes happen.”

“Honor is not about a person’s performance but their value in the image of God.”

*all stolen from the Called to Influence devotion in The Bible app