F3 Knoxville

Shamrock – It’s Log…Log


THE SCENE: Upper 40s

Side Straddle Hops 20-4 count

Tie Fighters 10-4 count each way

Mountain Climbers 15-4 count 

LBCs – 25 OYO

Twinkle Toes in cadence 10-4 count

Cherry Pickers: 5

Quad Stretch 


Mosey with logs towards Cedar Bluff

Stop at the tall sidewalk

25 Tricep dips – stretch – 25 more

Mosey with logs across the street to the school steps.  

Mix up logs each time

25 Curls – then run the steps X 4 until we all hit 100

25 Tricep extension – then run the steps X 4 until we all hit 100

25 Squats with log – then run the steps X 4 until we all hit 100

25 LBCs (no log) – then run the steps X 4 until we all hit 100

25 merkins – then run the steps X 4 until we all hit 100 (we made it to 50)

Grab log then head back to AO. 

Stop halfway for some log overhead while doing little bouncy squats until it burned too bad. 


Log drag across the parking lot. 

7 – Jitters, Curveball, Dumpster Dive, Waxjob, Mermaid, Slappy, Anchorman

Psalm 62:5-7

For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence,

for my hope is from him.

He alone is my rock and my salvation,

my fortress; I shall not be shaken.

On God rests my salvation and my glory;

my mighty rock, my refuge is God.

I love how David gives names like like Mighty Rock to God. What names can we give God? Instead of my typical prayers of requests to God, what can I praise him for?