F3 Knoxville

Intentional Beatdown

THE SCENE: Dark and chilly into a beautiful crisp TN sunrise over the water.

-Side Straddle Hop x25 IC, -Monkey Humpers x10 IC, Baby Arm Circles F/R x10 IC, Side Straddle Hop x 25 IC

PAX form two lines and mosey to flag pole at by The Pavalion. Grab a battle buddy and AMRAP for 15 mins the following…


  • candlestick burpees (overhead clap at end) x10 reps
  • 10 pull-ups at baseball dugouts
  • 10 box jumps at playground area

PAX circle up and do 20 squats IC and head to AO…Once at AO split up 11 PAX on both sides of AO for spacing purposes and complete the following…

“BEAR W/ ME”  Complete this circuit 3 times

  • Bear crawl 12 yards to cone and do 20 Pickle Pounders
  • Bear crawl 12 yards to next cone and do 20 Merkins
  • Bear crawl 12 yards to next cone and do 20 Squats
  • Bear crawl 12 yards to next cone and do 20 Carolina Dry Docks
  • Bear crawl 12 yards to last cone and do 20 Flutter Kicks on a 4 count

PAX Circle up and complete 25 Side Straddle Hops IC and mosey to bottom of Baby Hill with their battle buddy…

“Baby Hill Pain” PAX complete 4 rounds of the following

  • Partner A sprints the hill and does 25 Derkins while Partner B awaits at bottom jumping rope.  Partners interchange.
  • Rounds 1 and 3 PAX do Derkins
  • Rounds 2 and 4 PAX do Incline Merkins

PAX mosey to AO and circle up…

Hello Dolly x20 IC, American Hammer x20 IC, Pickle Pounders x12 IC, Flutter Kicks x20 IC
22 PAX Count & 0 FNG’s
Everyone wants to make New Year’s resolutions and those imo are pointless.  Resolutions are a hopeful map that leads to disappointment.  As HIM’s at home, work, our workouts, etc. we have to focus on intentionality and specific goals to have the right direction toward our purpose as leaders in our respective homes and environments.
Quick Picture
Cofeeteria announcement

A Good Setback?

THE SCENE: 43 degrees, moist like a nice bunt cake?

SSH X20, rocketts x10, this and that, shoulder touch Merkins x10, cherry pickers x5


At top Mosey to the “boat” and Start at first lit tree.
At each tree do:
1 burpee
2 squats
3 Merkins
4 lunges (2 each leg)
Then run back to start and go to next line. Repeat
Total of 8 trees (trees are 20’ +- apart)

When finished go back and finish with six

On next set of 8 trees do:
2 burpees
4 squats
6 Merkins
8 lunges
Go back and Finish with six

Sprint to bottom of steps (60 yds)
10 burpees on your own

Run up steps and hill to restaurant x2

Mosey towards Matterhorn
Stopping for
iron mikes x20
10 diamond, 10 wide, 10 reg

Turn right before Matterhorn and at every other light pole do:
imperial walkers x10 3-count
Squats x20
Stop just past marina building.

At every tree add 1 merkin starting with 1 (total of 11 trees over 100 yds+-)
Then 10 squat jumps
Mosey back to AO

Ring of Fire, (get in tight)
count up to 3 burpees
Boat/canoe w/ paddling and AB hammering
140ish LBCs
Proton peter Parkers

Ring of Fire, (get in tight)
count up to 3 burpees
Boat/canoe w/ paddling and AB hammering
140ish LBCs
Proton peter Parkers

17 – Frenchie, proton, ratchet,  abacus, tank, frosty, Mayberry, junk, Bueller, too late, crossbar, Showcase, Rusty, wall ball, scooter, Bartman, flute loop

Christmas was God’s most successful setback. He has always delighted to show his power through apparent defeat. He makes tactical retreats in order to win strategic victories.

Joseph was promised glory and power in his dream (Genesis 37:5–11). But to achieve that victory he had to become a slave in Egypt. And as if that were not enough, when his conditions improved because of his integrity, he was made worse than a slave: a prisoner.

But it was all planned. For there in prison he met Pharaoh’s butler, who eventually brought him to Pharaoh, who put him over Egypt. What an unlikely route to glory!

But that is God’s way — even for his Son. He emptied himself and took the form of a slave. Worse than a slave — a prisoner — and was executed. But like Joseph, he kept his integrity. “Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow” (Philippians 2:9–10).

And this is God’s way for us too. We are promised glory — if we will suffer with him (Romans 8:17). The way up is down. The way forward is backward. The way to success is through divinely appointed setbacks. They will always look and feel like failure.

But if Joseph and Jesus teach us anything this Christmas it is this: “God meant it for good!”

Aparently Showcase wants to be Shooter so much he is now referring to himself in the name-o-Rama as Shooter.
Prayers for Butters wife and baby as she will be delivering soon, travel for families


It’s Christmas Time at the Asylum

23 and Clear


SSH x30 4ct IC
Merkins x15 4ct IC
High Knees x15 4ct IC
Squats x15 4ct IC
Baby Arm Circles Fwd x15 4ct IC
Baby Arm Circles Bwd x15 4ct IC

Mosey along Greenway to the base of the Asylum and road


F3 Christmas Tree

Start with the base of the tree, Route 66.

Along the Greenway at the front of the Asylum.  At the first light pole perform a Candlestick Burpee (at the end of the burpee, jump up like a candle, with hands straight up hands clapped above your head).  Add 1 rep at each successive light pole until you get to 11 reps.  When finished, run back to the beginning and plank until the 6 arrives.

Mosey to the rock pile behind the Asylum.  Grab a rock and perform the following exercises.  In between each round, run down to the tree and back:

  • Round 1 (x15 reps of each): Narrow Squats, Bent Over Rows, Forward Lunges, Overhead Press, Jump Squats.
  • Round 2 (x20 reps of each): Narrow Squats, Bent Over Rows, Forward Lunges, Overhead Press
  • Round 3 (x25 reps of each): Narrow Squats, Bent Over Rows, Forward Lunges
  • Round 4 (x30 reps of each): Narrow Squats, Bent Over Rows
  • Round 5 (x35 reps of each): Narrow Squats
  • The Star: 40 Merkins.

Mosey to the front of the Asylum, stop at the orange cones.


Elf Runs
In order for the big guy to have a successful night, the elves have to be ready to move fast and do some work.  Elf runs are one of their key off-season training tools.

Set up like suicide runs with a baseline and 5 cones in a row.  Run to the furthest cone and back, do 10 merkins. Then run to the second furthest cone and back do another 10 merkins. Rinse and repeat for each of the cones.

Mosey to hill on the right side of the Asylum.


The Grinch’s Legs
We all want the strength the Grinch gets when he saves Cindi on the sleigh right?  Perform the following, then run to the top of the hill and touch the curb

  • Jump Squats x10
  • Side Lunges x 10 each side
  • Reverse Lunges x10 each leg

Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to the SP


American Hammers x20 4ct IC
Hello Dolly x20 4ct IC
Side Crunches Rt x20 4ct IC
Side Crunches Lf x20 4ct IC




Deuteronomy 30:19 – “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live

This morning got up and enjoyed the crisp air with great men under a beautiful sunrise because we have a Creator who loves us and loves show us that love through his creation.  Every day we have the opportunity to enjoy those gifts, but we must make the choice to embrace them.  Seize every moment you can to pour life, love, grace and truth into those around you.


The Dog Pound Sea Biscuit

THE SCENE: 34 degrees, dark, with a slight breeze

Mosey to the top of the hill about a quarter mile from the AO.
A tribute to P-Nut with the Dog Pound version of the Sutherland Sea Biscuit.

Starting at the top of mader-horn hill:

  • 1 loop around the Concord Marina and up mader-horn hill (30 Merkins, BB Situps, Squats)
  • 2 loops around the Concord Marina and up mader-hornhill (30 Merkins, BB Situps, Squats)
  • 2/3 loops around the Concord Marina and up mader-hornhill (30 Merkins, BB Situps, Squats)
  • Mosey back to the AO
  • Modified scissor kicks (25)
  • 3.88+ miles covered (Great job men)

(16 Strong) Ratchet, Froot-Loop, Snith, Sparky, Wax Job, Showcase, Lazy-Boy, Booger, Toto, Mayberry, Frosty, Pogo, Abacus, Smoker, Scooter, Hydro

  1. When life seems so tough, go on. When things go wrong, move on. Bear in mind that God gives you strength to persevere, not to surrender. Take care!
  2. Wake up! Exercise your faith. Do sit-up with prayer. Do push-up to release stress. Go! Jog to the Lord and send the good news! Good morning!
  3. Don’t think too much of the problems in life, they are just test papers given by God to see how much we are learning in His subject called “Life”. If you think you failed, don’t worry because He is always ready to give remedial classes. So, review through prayers and have the perfect score of “Happiness”.
  4. Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you, not because they are not nice, but because you are nice.
  5. Before you sleep, just gently lay every troubled thought away. Drop your burden and your care in the quiet arms of prayer because God never sleeps. Good night! Sweet dreams.
  6. We are like pencils, the best part in us is inside, we make marks as we touch other’s lives. When we make mistakes, we can erase and we become better as we are sharpened.
  7. Stay humble, be faithful, offer hope, work diligently, fight fairly, live simply, love deeply, and give generously.
  8. Prayer is a perfume to our soul and a fragrance that pleases God. Wear your prayer everyday and let it freshen you anytime, anywhere you go. Have a blessed and sweet-scented day!
  9. The more silently love is expressed, the more it is deeply bound to impress. No wonder God loves us in silence and gives us the miracles of having friends.
  10. Life is a continuous challenge, a constant struggle from womb to tomb. We are not made rich by what is in our pockets, but by what is in our hearts.
  11. The person meant for you is the person who will love you even when there’s no more reason to love you. For in your nothingness, the one meant for you will find what’s lovable in you.
  12. Forget the things that made you sad and remember those that made you glad. Forget the troubles that passed away and remember the blessings that come each day. Good morning!
  13. Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you felt so empty for no reason? Have you ever felt so down but you just can’t tell why? Have you ever felt like the world suddenly spins around you, and you are caught in the middle going nowhere? Weird, isn’t it? But that’s the beauty of being human… it is knowing that there is a purpose for each existence, and whatever that may be, it is also the reason why we still wake up breathing each morning, to discover that missing piece of puzzle that would make our lives complete. Have a nice sleep!
  14. Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it or work around it. Good morning!
  15. Some won’t appreciate what you say or do, but as long as you speak honestly from the heart, you’ll be fine. This is not a perfect world. This is not a perfect life. But life loves the person who dares to live it by being real. Bon Jour!
  16. 18. Sometimes in life, we tend to run so fast that we don’t notice God running with us. We only notice Him when we fall, yet He stops, carries us and says, “Finish the race my child.” Good day!
    Be great today and inspire someone either through your words and/or actions. Show someone encouragement and be the light. Be thankful for the gifts that you have and don’t even think about (I.E. Gift of moment, breath in our lungs, working arms and legs, functioning brain, etc…
    If anyone is interested in additional free running groups, then check out www.865running.com

Note: I emailed 865running and asked them to put a link on their site to www.knoxvillef3.com

With Friends like these….

The Scene: The Asylum

Clear, 32 degrees but we got warm quick.

Intro and disclaimer

Warm up: SSHX20, 5 burpees, 10 lunges, 15 Merkins, 20 squats

The Thang:
Fun with friends (two 40ish lb logs, 2 50lb sand filled tubes, 4 CMUs )
Count off to 4 teams
Team members take turns carrying logs, pipes and CMUs, (they can never touch the ground.)
Mosey along trail towards Everest.
Stopping at cones (5) to do:
5 burpees
10 lunges per leg
15 Merkins
20 squats

At Everest:
Climb to top of Everest to the road adding “injured” men to each team they have to carry up
At top, all do flutters till 6 catches

Continue mosey going east down road back to AO
Set down logs and CMUs at Cone 1

At AO: Start with teams at each station and do exercise for 90secs. Run to next station.
1) 10 CMU, pipe or Log presses (may share log) and 10 squats…repeat
2) sprint suicides down Bernie back
3) toe touch Merkins x10 & BBS x20 repeat
4) bear crawls to circle (40 yards) and back then flutter kicks
5) inch worms to cone and back
6) bunny hops back and forth repeat
7) plank jacks x20, Bobby Hurley’s x20 repeat
Line up on curb for an all out sprint down and back long ways. Circle up.

Flutter kick until several audible groans are heard then add 10 more, Boat- canoe with “rowing” And Plank leg lifts

COT and Name o Rama

Waffle house, G6, earwax, Franke, Leonardo, double wide, bluebird, Snitch, mogul, pusher, cat gut, rainbow, abacus, Flanders, proton, would shack, QVC, walkabout, Rusty, QuickBooks, worm,  Pfeiffer, belding, Bonnie, Frenchy, dimples, plunger, cheatsheet, Coolio, detention, butterfly, Fabio, Gibler, porcelain, Doubtfire, Charman, compost, Cap’n Crunch, Umbro, tank

First line in a great book called A Purpose Driven Life is….
Its not about you.
Quit being the center of your universe.
Stop thinking what do I want, what do I need, what can I get out of this.
Today’s society is all about me.

This week think about how you are putting yourself in front of others. Your wife…your kids….your neighbor.
Change where you are in line.

Moleskin:  it was a little chaotic today, at first but the teams showed good teamwork by sharing the load on the mosey. It’s always a blessing for me to come out to the asylum and spend time with this crew. Great job today by all, sorry about the phone glitches and throwing the BOM out of order.