F3 Knoxville

Weird number circuit in the snow

THE SCENE: Cold as snot around 32-37. Snowing somewhat. Wet ground.

SSH x25

BAC x10 ea

This / That

Cherry Pickers x10
Indian Run around park with 40#, 30#, and 20#. Front three guys have the babies. Last guy does 5 merkins and runs to catch up. 1 lap.

Mosey to church lot.

  • Lunge halfway across lot. Bearcrawl back.

Circuit time! I used a 6-station circuit around the lot that was arranged in a weird pattern to keep people on their toes. 20 reps at each station. Do 2ct if it requires. The three babies were also involved. If you get to a station that has one, do 10 reps of anything you want with that particular baby. If someone else is using it, feel free to move on or wait til they’re done.

  • station 1 – LBC
  • station 2 – kobra kais (bear crawl to 3)
  • station 3 – mountain climbers
  • station 4 – jump squats (bear crawl to 5)
  • station 5 – imperial walkers
  • station 6 – HR merkins

Flutters x20 for time.
Wilson, Swanson, Herbie, Abort, Filter
Be good to one another. Take care of one another. Mental illness sucks. You never know what someone is going through. Have compassion and take folks out to do things – you can make a positive impact.

sweating it out in the garage

THE SCENE: Phone said 59* and lots of rain, definitely warm for January

Warm up started in 11th Street Parking Garage, which is where we stayed for duration.  Lots of rain, plenty of lightning too…
Squat and reach
Grady corns
Imperial Walkers
Mosey up the ramp to the fourth level of the parking garage (the bottom floor is 3? Haven’t figured that out yet).  Routine is the BOMBS Escalator, the Bombscelator? Anyhow, BOMBS done escalator style.  Start with B, run the length of the garage and back.  B O, run.  So on and so on.

  • Burpees x10
  • OH Claps x20
  • Merkins x20
  • BBSUs x20
  • Squats x40

Quick 10 count and mosey on, up another level to the fifth level of the parking garage.  More chalk on the ground, this time just straight through the list for two rounds:

  • Monkey humpers x10
  • Squats x10
  • J-Los x10
  • Burps x10 (not burpees, just the foot thruster part)
  • Run a lap of the garage

Again rinse and repeat for two rounds.  Another quick 10 count, then run a half lap of the garage to get to the north stairwell.  There we did three sets of calf raises on the stairs, 15 reps per set.  First set regular, second set toes in, third set toes out for calf raises.  Then Oompa Loompa down the stairs to the bottom (squat each step taken).

Flutter kicks
Hello Dolly
Flutter kicks
(There was a lot more in this same sequence but ran out of time, thank goodness)
5 Strong: Walrus, Cornhole, Huffy, Swanson, Abort
I’ve just struggled this week in getting out in the gloom.  My M has been struggling with fear at night.  Her grandmother’s apartment burned on Saturday (she made it out, but lost everything) and now she is terrified that our house will burn down while we sleep.  We’ve been unplugging almost everything we can before going to bed.  This is something that I really struggle with.  My reaction is to want to “fix” a problem, but this is not something I can really fix.  I just have to be supportive and help her move past her fears.  Huffy really brought it home, giving us Psalm 56:3 “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you” and added that every day our Lord challenges us to allow our faith to overcome.
Prayers for Huffy, who had a skiing accident that has his shoulder in bad shape (yet he still makes it out to workouts, like a beast), prayers for Walrus who is trying to improve his marriage and working on things with his M, praise and prayers that Swanson had great news at the doctor


THE SCENE: a little chill in the air, but just right once moving.

Ssh – 25
Merks – 10 4 count
Squats – 20


Mosey to Jane Allen  all PAX take turn carrying sandbag PAX not carrying sandbag will do 5 merkins and then run to catch the PAX carrying the sandbag, PAX switch when the group catches the Sandbag.

Bottom of Jane Allen – Sandbag will be carried to the top by each PAX. In the mean time, the other pax will be rotating between the following exercises.

As many as you:
Hurpee (burpee with 5 pickle pounders at the bottom)
8 count BB
Wolverines (burpee with a merkin and then a peter parker (both sides))
Merkins 4 count
Simpson’s (start with legs 6inches of ground (Homer). left legs straight up (marge). twist side to side (Mr. Burns)

R & R but only half way up Jane Allen

Return mosey the same way we came carrying the sandbag, group doing 5 merkins, run to catch up.

no time left

look for those to be in community with
first time out using my new sandbag. I think I will call here Jane!

garage workout

THE SCENE: 40* and spotty rain

Even/odd static stretch left/middle/right
Little orphan Annie
Four count merkins after running under bridge for a dry spot
Mosey south towards amphitheater, pausing for last warm up of four count merkins under the bridge.  Hop up and continue moseying up the hill towards 11th Street, then into the parking garage. At the north end up of each floor of the parking garage, there are two exercises.  One for going up the garage, the other for coming back down.  Pretty simple:

Up Exercises

  • Burpees x10
  • Carolina dry docks x20
  • Ranger merkins x20
  • Staggered hand merkins x20
  • Wall worm between large columns on the wall

Down Exercises

  • Burps (leg thrusters) x20
  • Jump squats x20
  • Plank jacks x20 (four count)
  • Jump lunges x20 (four count, ouch)
  • Burpees x10

Two 10-counts and mosey back the way we came, out to 11th Street and back down World’s Fair Park drive.  Once we get under the bridge, partner up.  Partners run in opposite directions around the outside of the two bridge supports, each time they meet do a set of partner exercises.

  • Patty-cake merkins x10 (Three rounds)
  • High five Big Boy sits x10 (Three rounds)
  • Jump squat high fives x5 (Two rounds)

Mary under the bridge where it’s dry, because why not.
Box Cutters
American hammers
7 Strong including 1 FNG: Walrus, Swanson, Passport, G-6, Homewrecker (FNG), Postman, Abort
Really just spoke about the events that occurred yesterday, and how no day is promised to us.  Try to treat every situation with love and be a positive force to everyone you meet.  Leave no doubt.

pavilion hot potato

THE SCENE: Low 40s and light (to moderate) rain

Angle grinders
Moroccan night clubs
Grady Corns
Imperial walkers
Prisoner squats
Mosey out of the start pavilion and around the sidewalk to the next pavilion.  The ground had been turned into a mudhole between the sidewalk, so we moseyed past to the next pavilion (not the only audible this morning).  I told the PAX that we have four pavilion stations, each with three exercises of the same structure (initially 20 reps first exercise, 15 reps of the second exercise, 10 reps of the third exercise).  They got to pick how many rounds of each we did, without knowing the exercises.  The fun part is they could choose 3,4,5 or 6 rounds but once you use a number, you can no longer use it.  So they are choosing blindly on how many rounds we do.

Pavilion 1 (PAX chose 6 rounds):

  • Dips x20
  • Decline merkins x15
  • Four count (HR) merkins x10

This proved to be a huge mistake on my part, so after three rounds of that, Q called an audible.  10 reps of each exercise to finish the final three rounds.  Finish and mosey around the sidewalk to the pavilion beside the Lion’s Club building.

Pavilion 2 (PAX chose four rounds):

  • Calf raises x10
  • Lunges x10 (each leg)
  • Bulgarian split squats x10 (each leg)

Mosey out of the pavilion onto the sidewalk and back (tables were set up differently at each pavilion and this one was better).

Pavilion 3 (PAX chose 5 rounds):

  • Carolina dry docks x10
  • Table rows x10
  • Single arm pulls on the poles x10 (each arm)

No time to mosey, just stayed put for round four.

Pavilion 4 (PAX were left with 3 rounds):

  • Smurf jacks x10
  • Plank jacks x10
  • Burpees x5

That was enough to use up the time, no Mary today.

5 ducks on the pond: Herbie, Toucan, Wilson, Swanson, Abort
Reused my word from yesterday, a C.S. Lewis quote:
Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.”

Again, just shows how much people tend to worry about the truths in their lives.  Just stress to live by your word, be true to each other and maybe even more importantly be true to yourself.