F3 Knoxville

Alphabet Soup, Big Ball Style

THE SCENE: Balmy mid-70’s with LOTS of humidity!

SSH x10 IC

Baby Arm Circles Forward x10 IC

Backers x10 IC

Little bit of this (Right arm across)

Little bit of that (Left arm across)

Hillbilly x10 IC

Little bit of this (Right arm stretch overhead)

Little bit of that (Left arm stretch overhead)

Michael Phelps

This morning, we decided to make sure we got ourselves in a full-body workout! We began our workout by moseying to the ledge of the amphitheater stage:

  • 15 single IC leg squats with right leg
  • 15 single IC leg squats with left leg
  • 15 incline merkins IC
  • Another set of single leg squats IC x 10
  • 10 incline merkins IC
  • Go up to handrails and as a group do 15 single count reverse pulls

Mosey over to the Church Street United Methodist back parking lot with the hill. We got in groups of 3 (2 groups had 4). One partner at the top and one parter at the bottom. Partner 3 is the runner that makes everyone rotate.

At the top, Partner 1 chooses 2 rocks that he can do a merkin with while partner 3 chooses a rock he can do squat-thrursts with.

For Time:

Partner 1 does merkins while gripping his rock, after each merkin he does a row with each arm

Partner 2 is at bottom of hill doing 10 squat thrusts with his rock then rotating to 10 mountain climbers

Partner 3 starts at bottom of the hill next to Partner 2. He’ll Bernie Sanders halfway up the hill, then run forward to Partner 1 at top of hill. Then, Partner 1 will run down hill, rinse and repeat

1 Minute Break

Continue exercise except this time Partner 1 will start with 5 Carolina Dry Docks at top of hill, then do 5 merkin rows with his rock. Partner 2 will just do squat thrusts. Partner 3 continues running.

Mosey over to top part of church parking lot near Henley Street Bridge. The PAX decided we wanted to get on the level of my almost one year old so we chose a medium-sized bolder and spelled the alphabet (all UPPERCASE) together, with each letter beginning at our belly button. Some of the PAX decided they wanted to spell their letter in italics, hieroglyphics, san script and Times New Roman…so I let them.

From our spelling bee, we moseyed back to the amphitheater where we did 10 more IC single leg squats then moseyed back to the AO for a little ab’s.

15 IC Grinders, each side

25 Star Gazer LBC’s
23 PAX (including 2 FNG’s): Half Caff, Moana, Thread Count, Butterfly, Jenner, Petey, Cowbell, Careless, Casper, Soot, Abort, Guano, Quarantine, Uncle Rico, Duggar, Roto, The Voice, Bulldog, Bitcoin, Soup, Reverb (FNG), Beaker (FNG), Passport (QIC)
“Proximity breed empathy. Distance breeds suspicion.” Across our country and in our day-to-day lives, we use the words “Us” and “Them” a lot. An African-American pastor recently stated that saying in relationship to the racial divide in our country. But, I think this can be applied to many areas of our lives, not just race. Do we have a relationship with “those people” who look different from us, act different, in a different socio-economic class than us? Maybe you’re in a fraternity and look down on others who may not be in your “group.” Or, maybe it’s something like the LGBTQ community, that all you know about them is things you’ve seen at a distance but don’t actually know anything about them or anyone in the group.

My challenge to you is to ask “those people” who you’d otherwise not be in close relationship about their story. People love to talk about themselves. I think you’ll quickly begin to have empathy for them and be reminded of how we’re all created in the image of God. Reach out to someone who’s not like you and maybe you’ll see a side of empathy you didn’t know you had.

The PAX pushed hard today! Mumblechatter was great and felt like everyone got a little bit better after this morning.
Make sure to get on GroupMe for announcements and updates. Abort mentioned about getting a Big Ball kickball team together and will get more info out to us.

Morning Mosey

THE SCENE: Humid, about 70

Baby arm circles forward/back (4ct) x 15 each way

Overhead claps (4ct) x 15

Overhead air press (4ct) x 15

A little this/that and Michael Phelps

Hamstring stretch
About a 3.6 mile mosey along the riverfront and through downtown.  Various stops along the way for rest/exercise: 1 cliff hanger Merkins x 15. 2 cliff hanger Merkins x15 then hold plank while partner does 10 squats while holding other partners legs.  3 Squats (4ct) x 15.  4 flutter kicks 4(ct) x 15 and American hammers (4ct) x 10.  5 lunge bridge yellow line to yellow line.  6 5 big ball pull-ups.  Finish at AO.

No time.
25 HIMs.  No FNGs.  Moana, Thread Count, Bob Ross, Guano were also present and I could not find their tag.

“You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Prayers for Preacher and his new job/upcoming move to Arizona, Sliderule’s family with the loss of his mother, Butterfly’s wedding this weekend.


THE SCENE: muggy




Ran/rucked to the theater from West Hills. Stopped at least 4 times, maybe 5 for 15 curls, 15 OH presses and 15 tricep extensions. Back at West Hills we did the loop backwards twice. Mileage was 6.86 and obviously couldn’t stop there so we went up to the upper parking lot and back down lovers for 7.25 total.



Exactly what I needed.


Firecracker 400

THE SCENE: 78 and Muggy.

  • SSH IC x 15
  • Merkins IC x 10
  • Tempo Squat IC x 10
  • BA Cir IC x 10
  • Cherry Picker IC x til we lost the PAX
  • Stretch it out


  • Complete exercise round and run to the split and back. All Exercise are with CMU
  • Lion King x 25
  • OH Press x 25
  • Brick Switch Merkins x 25
  • Goblet Squat x 25
  • Curls x 50
  • Tricep Extension x 50
  • Rinse and Repeat

Flutter kicks IC x 50
15 strong HIM’s
What is something that you are holding on to, that if you were to let go of would help you move forward in your life.
It was great to see some visitors out this morning. We had 6 ruck in and out to add about 6 miles to their total today. Also 4 are on their way to complete the SuperOcho.
No Announcements at this time

The dirty mac deuce

THE SCENE: Don’t know the exact temp, but 109% humidity

Tempo squats x10 IC
No rest for the following shoulder blaster exercises:
BAC forward x15 IC
BAC back x15 IC
Overhead claps x15 IC
Air presses x15 IC  – arms down for a quick rest
A little of this &that
SSH x20 IC
Mosey through lot and towards Bojangles.  Stop for a quick set of leg blasters in the LifeHouse parking lot:  10 squats, 10 lunges each leg, 10 jump squats with no rest in between.  Continue mosey and cross railroad tracks to the hill for Elevens.  Start at the bottom with 10 Mr. Spectaculars, Bernie uphill to the sign, 1 jump squat, run back down.  Continue with Elevens routing flapjacking the reps.

Recover and 10 count.  Mosey back toward start point and stop right in front of high school entrance for the Dirty Mac Deuce.  Four rounds, complete 20 reps of each exercise and run a lap around the parking lot before moving on to the next round.  Exercises as follows:

  • Round 1 – Derkins, lunges, superman swims
  • Round 2 – Wide merkins, prisoner squats, hello Dolly’s
  • Round 3 – Catalina wine mixers, calf raises, side crunches
  • Round 4 – Dips, pistol squats, American hammers

10 count.  Not enough time for rock routine planned, but too much time for just Mary.  Audible for some sprints.  Running the length of the parking lot, run 75% to the other end and slow mosey back.  Run 85% to the other end and slow mosey back, run 90% and mosey back.  All sprint to empty the tanks on the last iteration and walk back for Mary.

No rest in between exercises:
Heals to heaven x 15
Plank 30 seconds
Flutter kicks x20
Plank 30 seconds
Box cutters x8 because time ran out and my abs were on fire
Fantastic Five in the north: Mr. Wedgie, Dr. Feelgood, WoodTick, Herbie, Abort
“I firmly believe that any man’s finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out for a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle, victorious”
– Vince Lombardi

Obviously, we know what he was referring to when he said this.  However, in my opinion the more difficult thing is finding that good cause for which to work your heart out.  The hard part at least to me is to find where you can utilize your strengths for a great cause, but that is a challenge we should all be looking for: to find that cause that we can exhaust ourselves and works our hearts out for.