F3 Knoxville

Duck walks and pet rocks

THE SCENE: 45* and crisp, great morning

Baby arm circles, forward and reverse, 10x IC
Imperial walkers 10x IC
SSH 30x IC
Merkins on 4 ct, 12x IC
Prisoner tempo squats 10x IC

Mosey across the street to the Steamboat parking lot, circle up for 20 merkins.  Recover and mosey back across the street behind Powell Station park, circle up in lower lot for 20 merkins.  Each PAX finds a rock to tote around for the next little bit.  Retrace our route back to Steamboat parking lot, circle up for 20 merkins.  Mosey back to school parking lot.  10 count.

5 cones are lined up across parking lot.  PAX instructed to duck walk with rock held in at chest to first cone, then place cone on the ground and perform 5 burps.  Pick up rock, duck walk to next cone with rock held straight out in front (arms extended).  Rock down and do 5 burps.  Continue duck walk to each cone, alternating between holding rock in at chest and holding rock straight out arms extended between cones.  Each cone do 5 burps.  Once finished at last cone, sprint back to start with rock, plank and wait for the 6 to complete.  Recover and 10 count, repeato for a total of 3 rounds through.

Pick up pet rock and mosey back over to Powell Station park and partner up.  Dora style, partner 1 performs rock PT while partner 2 runs a lap around the pavilion and playground.  Partner 2 stops at the pavilion for 10 merkins before finishing run and relieving partner one.  Flapjack, each pair performs 100 reps of exercises:

  • Rock curls
  • Tricep extension
  • Goblet squats
  • Front hold shoulder lifts
  • BBS with rock pressed over chest

Once complete, switch partners and run through the same exercises.  This time, partner performing rock PT does AMRAP until partner 2 finishes run.  Flapjack, then move to next exercise.  Recover and 10 count.

Mosey back to lower lot to return rocks, then mosey back to AO for Mary.

Box cutters x20 IC
Extended boat/canoe (I’d planned ATM’s but was worn out, so I extended boat/canoe til time was up).

8 Strong – Tractor, Herbie, Wood Tick, Natty, Mr. Wedgie, Charmin, A-Rod, Abort
Expanding on word I had from BB a few weeks back (the same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg).  From the book of James: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.  If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.  But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind….Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”
Continue to pray for Charmin’s friend John, who has been diagnosed with cancer.  Also pray for Natty’s friend who had a family member take his own life.


THE SCENE: 39 degrees, cloudy, a slight pleasant drizzle

Cherry Pickers x 10

SSH x 25 in cadence

Tempo Merkin x 10

Tempo Squat x 10

5 burpees on your own

  • Mosey to the Big Ball
  • Morning Call:  Pax split into 2 groups, first person does 5 Big Ball pull-ups, rest of the Pax in plank position, as first person calls out his pull ups, Pax performs 5 merkins, switch and repeat until everyone has completed pull-ups.
  • Split into groups of three, mosey towards Volunteer Landing, each group picks up one rock along the way.  Share the load until we reach Volunteer Landing.
  • In our teams of three, partner 1 does shoulder presses with rock while partner 2 performs  WWII sit-ups at other end of the Landing, partner 3 runs between performing 5 burpees in the middle.  Switch until each partner has completed both exercises.  Repeat with curls/flutter kicks, squats with rock/sweat angels, triceps extensions/American Hammers.
  • Mosey back towards the AO with rock, putting it back along the way.
  • Out of time

No time for Mary today.  We had already put in a bit of overtime.

17 strong this morning planting good roots.  No FNGs today.
Jeremiah 17:7-8 But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.  They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when the heat comes; its leaves are always green.  It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.

Where are your roots?  What do you place your trust and confidence in?

Jeremiah 17:5-6 Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord.  That person will be like a bush in the wastelands…

Assessing our roots:  What is your first response when tribulations or calamity strikes?  If your response is stress, fear, worry it may indicate we have faulty roots.  In trials are we life givers or takers?  In the midst of struggles are we continuing to bear fruit and breath life into others?

It’s Raining HIMs!!!!

THE SCENE: 40 degrees with a chance of rain


Phiffer and Zygote got 15 HIMs ready to tackle the day!

Side Straddle Hops x 25 IC


11’s at the stage  ( Derkins & Rows )

8 to 1’s in the 11th Street Garage

  • Catalina Wine Mixers
  • WW2 Sit-ups
  • Sumo Squats
  • Flutter Kicks

Abs to finish

15 HIMs accounted for at the big ball this morning.
Matthew 6: 1-18
The PAX kicked some serious butt this morning and got better together! Way to go guys!

The Long Lap

THE SCENE: 0530, 30s, not quite character building weather, but not hot either

“Is it going to be warm?” —- “No. But it will be good.”


“Welcome to F3: Fitness-Fellowship-Faith. My name is Steam and I’ll be your QIC for the next 45 minutes. I am not a professional, and you are here on your own volition, which means if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning – feel free to do so but push yourselves and the men around you. You came here to work and get better so let’s get after it.”

1. Side-Straddle Hop (SSH): 25 x 4 (in cadence)

2. Rockette: 15 x 1

3. Cherry Picker: 10 x 4 (in cadence)

4. Slow Baby Arm Circles: 10 x 4 Forward || 10 x 4 Backward (all in cadence)

5. Backwards Lunge: 2x for each leg –> hold for 5 seconds each rep

  • Mosey to Big Ball Amphitheater
    • Flag out front, carried by FNG Daniel Anders (Now “Soot”)
  • PT
    • Assemble battle buddy teams
    • Que hype workout music via bluetooth speaker
    • (1) Each BB team sprints to the top of Big Ball amphitheater
    • (2) Each person executes 8 pull-ups (overhand/underhand)
    • (3) Each BB team sprints around the perimeter of the Big Ball pond = The Long Lap
      • 75% speed of higher
    • (4) Upon return to Big Ball amphitheater stage –> 25 x 4 LBC (Little Baby Crunches)
    • (5) Hold plank position until QIC says “Recover”
    • Rinse & Repeat 5x
    • Mosey American Indian Style to parking lot adjacent to UT’s The Hill
      • Sporadic squats 3x en route
    • Mosey Back to AO
      • Take the Field: Sprint the field separating PAX from Big Ball AO startpoint

11 PAX + 2 FNG = 13 total

PAX: Abort, Cowbell, G-6, Petey, Pfeiffer, Plunger, Quarantine, Rascal, Rousey, Swanson, Steam

FNGs: Daniel Anders – 22 – Soot & Eric – 21 – Stagehand
Hijacking the song “Pray For Me” by Kendrick Lamar & The Weeknd

Hijacking a song = taking a song’s lyrics and “hijacking” them to fit for your own life or have deeper meaning

“I’m always ready for a war again, go down that road again, it’s all the same.” “Tell me who’s gon’ save me from myself, when this life is all I know.” “Tell me who’s gon’ save me from myself, when this life is all I know.” “Tell me who’s gon’ save me from this hell, without you, I’m all alone.”

“Who’s gon’ pray for me? Take my pain for me? Save my soul for me?”

This song spoke on many levels to me. We as men all go face wars every single day that are unique to each one of us. I don’t know what war(s) you’re facing as a man right now, whether tit’s at home, at work, in your relationships or marriage, or wherever that may be for you. Sometimes the wars that we are in the midst of feel like hell, or like we’ve been down this road before, or that we’re all alone.

So when you’re in the midst of whatever war you find yourself in – sometimes you’re fighting yourself – only one thing can save you and make you a better man because of it – God’s grace and love.

Another level this spoke spoke to me through was how much pain Knoxville is in right now. There are so many people hurting because of sickness or whatever else is going on in their lives. High Impact Men make a difference. As High Impact men – let’s continue to pray for our city and share the load and burden that some of our brothers are carrying right now.

Fight the Good Fight & Keep the Faith!

A Love-Hate Relationship

THE SCENE: Perfect. 33 degrees, very little wind. Dark and crisp, time to work.

SSH x 30 IC 4 CT
Cherry Picker x 10 IC 4CT
Merkins x 15 IC 4 CT

Mosey to the amphitheater for 11s
Derkins on the stage and Rows at the top

Mosey to Walnut Street (with a hill sprint en route) for a little Love-Hate Relationship building
Starting at the bottom of Walnut we worked our way up to a full sprint all the way up

  • Sprint up to the parking garage entrance, 30 LBCs, mosey to the bottom, regroup
  • Sprint to Hill Ave, 30 LBCs, 20 merkins, mosey to the bottom, regroup
  • Sprint all the way to the church, 30 LBCs, 20 merkins, and 10 burpees, regroup

Slow mosey back towards the AO with Plunger lunges across the catwalk over Henley
Stop under the Clinch overpass in the park, take a seat on the wall
2 sets of wall sits, the first one longer than the last while I regale the men with stories of foolish youth (that got me a name like Frenchie).

Modified Gas Pumpers x 15 IC 4CT
Leg lift hold and some Hello Dollies
Boat Canoe

16 PAX this morning got some good work done, including 1 FNG, welcome Old Spice! (Ben Cox)

Romans 8:18-30 makes clear:
The world is broken, humanity is broken. We should not be dumbfounded by suffering in this world.
We also need to be careful not to minimize the suffering of others. The encouragement we should give to others is that there is a day coming when their suffering will end! NOT that their suffering is illegitimate or self-inflicted.
Rather we must remember that this PRESENT and REAL suffering pales in comparison to the future glory we will experience with Christ.
But what about today? Here, now?
There are times when I don’t know what to pray. I don’t know what to say. In those moments, when I don’t know what to pray, when I’m heart broken and don’t understand. When I don’t know what to say to God, the SPIRIT himself intercedes for me.
God does not want to minimize our struggles. He’s reminding us that He draws near to us, that His Spirit is with us and comforts us at all times.

My first time leading at Big Ball, what a place!

Pfeiffer and Abort, a couple of inspiring HIMs there. Rucking beforehand, and chewing up and spitting out everything a Q can dish out. Good work men.

As always, it’s an honor and a privilege to lead a workout.

The Maryville CSAUP event is coming up on the 24th, and the re-scheduled event at Wesley House is this Sunday, February 11th, from 2-3pm.