F3 Knoxville

Monkeys & Bears, Oh My

THE SCENE: 40°. Clear. Great moonrise.



  • Cherry Pickers IC | SSH IC


Pain stations at the tennis court. 40sec at each station. 20sec to move to next station. Take a lap & flip stations after each round. Stations included:

  • Diamond Merkins/Boat
  • American Hammer/Flutter
  • Shoulder Taps/Bear Crawl
  • Power Skips/Burpees
  • Inch Worm/Hand Release Merks
  • Imperial Walkers/Calf Raises
  • Monkey Humpers/CDD
  • Burpees/Shoulder Taps
  • Mtn Climbers/SSH


  • LBCs IC X44 in honor of Tweet-E’s birthday



We’re out here to get better: as men & as leaders—in all areas of our lives. Certainly that starts with fitness, but I think it’s inevitable that that mindset, the goal of relentless forward progress will bleed over into each area of our lives. If we’re going to get better at anything, we’re going to need to be teachable.

I found a list of five ways to know if you’re teachable. 

  1. People give you input—if you’ve proven yourself to not be teachable, people probably gave up on giving you input long ago
  2. You experience growth—if other people’s input leads to results, you must be teachable
  3. you don’t have to defend yourself against criticism—you don’t put walls up, you take criticism, knowing that if there’s any truth to it, it’s an opportunity to get better
  4. Not only do you take criticism, you do it without firing back; without returning the favor
  5. you’re hearing different input than you used to—progress is having new areas to work on than you did a few years ago

Run back through them. Think about an area you’re trying to improve in and If one of these hits home with you; take the time to work on it, to cultivate it this week. 

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fill that Q Calendar.

Also, in April, we’ll be collecting individually wrapped snacks & drinks, as well as paper towels for Safe Haven. It’s a ministry in the Austin-East area giving teens a safe spot to land to get off the street and avoid gang violence. I’ll post a full list in slack; if you’ll tack a couple of those things on to your family’s shopping list, it’s an easy way to make an impact on a part of our community that has experienced a lot of pain the last few months.

Passing the Torch!

THE SCENE:  A couple of degrees below freezing…


Forgot to mention that I am not a professional…  However I am sure the PAX is aware of that by now!

30 SSH

10 Tempo Merkins

10 Tempo Squats

Baby Arm Circles Forward/Reverse


Drawed the number 2 with GPS with 3 stations located in the park.

Station 1 – Bear Crawl around the tennis court with 5 Burpees at each corner.  Run and touch gate then proceed to Station 2.

Station 2 – at the back parking lot I placed some modified CMU’s in the grass next to the trail entrance.  We used these CMU’s for 20 Curls and 20 Overhead Presses.  Then run over to the boat ramp.

Station 3 –  We did 20 Dry Docks facing downhill on the ramp.  Then starting at the water, 20 Squat Jumps up the ramp.  Then we ran back to the Tennis Court.

Rinse and Repeat as many times as you could.

ATM closeout led by Cap’n Crunch


Passed the Flag over to Stripped, he is a wonderful asset to the Equalizer.  Not only is he accountable at the workouts, he is also accountable to reach out to brothers that are needing help outside of the workouts.  I am grateful that the Equalizer is in good hands!

“Leadership is not about a title or a designation.  It’s about impact, influence,  and inspiration.”

Was one of the most boring workouts I have put together but drawing the 2 for our 2 year anniversary was very important for me.  However it did turn into a pretty good beatdown, so I plan to use it again soon!
Hardship Hill 10/2!!!

Round & Round the Ladder

THE SCENE: A comfortable 40s morning, illuminated by the soft, flickering glow of the Equalizer parking lot light that just won’t die.



  • Tempo Squats | SSH IC
  • Seal Claps IC


Mosey to Splash Pad. Take a trip down the ladder, then back up.  Do 7 exercises, take a lap, and drop the top one. Do 6 exercises, take a lap, and drop the top one.  Etc…

  • 7 — 4Ct Mtn Climbers
  • 6 — CDD
  • 5 — 4Ct Flutter Kicks
  • 4 — Diamond Merks
  • 3 — BBS
  • 2 — 4Ct Shoulder Taps
  • 1 — Burpee

Threw in some bonus pull-ups, bear crawls, crab walks, and lunges.


  • Hello Dolly IC | Peter Parkers



John 15 – I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. 

We’ve all seen our lives pruned to an extent this past year; for all the negative, there were a number of things, people, activities that were sucking the life out of us that got cancelled or put off. Just because life is getting back to normal doesn’t mean we have to let those branches of our life grow back.

Watch your step

THE SCENE: 34 degrees and clear with a cool looking moon above

warmup stuff

mosey to the woods for a little trail circuit around the 1mile Main line loop trail.

stopping to do calf raises on worthwhile roots, lunges up the big hill and squat walks down the steep hills. At each trail junction we did the following. 1) 5 burpees, 10 squats, 15 Merkins. 2) same but add 20 dry docks, 3) add 25 lunges. 4) add 30 SSH

We finished in the woods earlier than I thought so we did some sprints x4, side shuffles and karaokes in the parking lot to finish up.
Flutter kicks and Freddy mercurys
14 pax attended
Stop complaining
As we entered the woods I felt I needed to tell people to be very careful on roots etc and don’t fall or twist an ankle. I fell immediately after saying it. They didn’t know that I am secretly training to be a stuntman and I meant to do it. Once in the woods there was a little troll that led the way. His name was something I couldn’t understand so he said just refer to me as the nightman. So I followed him and he led us up to the top of the hill where he asked for a troll toll. I offered up one of the PAX and the Nightman was delighted. Frosty…not so much. We could hear Frost’s screams as we moseyed further into the woods….Or so we thought. Coming up behind us at a furious pace was Frosty with a smile on his face. He defeated the Troll and was now wearing the Trolls killer looking shoes. They were pointy and had golden tassels on them. As we stood there admiring the new shoes that Frosty acquired, Tweet-E unceremoniously climbed one of the trees and started jumping from tree to tree shouting “do you think I do Peter Parker‘s just for fun. It’s training you numbskulls! If you did them correctly like I do, you could do this as well”. Bowflex pulled out his backpack full of Bowflexes and boomeranged  one at Tweet-E in mid air. He fell to the ground and landed in a perfect Peter Parker position. “It must’ve been the Zen Evo that gave you this ability to land so swiftly” quipped Bowflex as he caught the returning Bowflex and placed it in his backpack.
“We must move on as there are scary things in these woods” said Junk as he grabbed a squirrel off a tree limb and ate him whole. “Yes, we must move on, I have brownies baking at home and I don’t want them to burn” said Aladdin. La-z-boy, Ribbed, and Medic moaned “B-r-o-w-n-I-e-s” in unison. As we continued on our journey Cavalier mentioned that he was hungry and picked up a mushroom from the forest floor. “I wouldn’t eat that!” said Mayberry. Cavalier ignored the warning and took a bite giving some to Turtle. They both immediately grew wings and flew away. Perplexed at what we just witnessed we reluctantly moved on. We had made it to the end of the trail and somehow Biscuits sneaked by us along the way and was standing there with a basket. It was blossoming with beautiful big buttered biscuits. Proton exclaimed, “that is a big ole biscuit and took a nap in the parking lot using the giant biscuit as a pillow taking a small bite once and a while in his sleep.
6:15 had approached us quickly so it was off to work or for some of the Pax. Others stayed behind to have what they thought was coffee. Why would they assume a black liquid stored in a coffee pot is coffee? That’s on them, not me.
I hope you enjoyed reading about our adventures this morning. Till next time…drink more Ovaltine.


Cleaning Frost Off the Field

THE SCENE: Mid-20s. Winter part 2.



  • Windmills IC | Grady Corns IC
  • Baby Arm Circles IC | SSH IC


Four Corners on the Field

  • Merkins
  • BBS
  • CDD
  • Squats

30 reps at each corner. Run a full lap to the next corner. On each subsequent round, drop 10 reps. After third round, burpees at center field and wait for six.

7s: Pull-ups & Step-up w/ Knee Raise


  • Box Cutters IC | American Hammers IC
  • Freddie Mercurys IC


CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: John 9:18-28 — The Jewish leaders still refused to believe the man had been blind and could now see, so they called in his parents. They asked them, “Is this your son? Was he born blind? If so, how can he now see?” His parents replied, “We know this is our son and that he was born blind, but we don’t know how he can see or who healed him. Ask him. He is old enough to speak for himself.” His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders, who had announced that anyone saying Jesus was the Messiah would be expelled from the synagogue. That’s why they said, “He is old enough. Ask him.” So for the second time they called in the man who had been blind and told him, “God should get the glory for this, because we know this man Jesus is a sinner.” “I don’t know whether he is a sinner,” the man replied. “But I know this: I was blind, and now I can see!” “But what did he do?” they asked. “How did he heal you?” “Look!” the man exclaimed. “I told you once. Didn’t you listen? Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become his disciples, too?” Then they cursed him and said, “You are his disciple, but we are disciples of Moses! We know God spoke to Moses, but we don’t even know where this man comes from.”

The Pharisees had a preconceived idea of what the Messiah would be like; they had preconceived ideas of what it meant to be blind; and in the end, those preconceptions are exactly what made them blind to the Messiah who they claimed to be waiting for,

What prejudgements do I make about people, sometimes about whole groups of people, that keep me from seeing things for what they really are? How can I strike those down?