F3 Knoxville

Because Legs feed the wolf gentlemen


60 something with a 100% chance of legs


Cherry pickers (4ct) x5

Imperial Walkers (4ct) x15

inch worms x5

Mosey w/ CMU to Hill


  • 15 American KB swings,15 Russian KB swings, or G2O(x20) touches
  • Run up the hill to pull up area
  • 10 strict, 10 jumping pull ups or 5 negatives
  • Run down the hill
  • 10 ultimate squats (close, normal, sumo)
  • Run up the hill to top
  • 15 jump squats, or 20 air squats
  • Run down the hill

Mosey w/ CMU to Doggy shack

Tweet-E’s Turn, Shoulder press, or Baby arm circles

25 V-ups

25 (4ct) flutter kicks

25 ‘Merkins


and Ski dog (I couldn’t find your name)
The way I developed this workout was to challenge everyone in areas that they might not feel the strongest like running, pull ups, or shoulder work.

This led me to think about a native American proverb about the constant battle within ourselves.

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”

 He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you – and inside every other person, too.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

It’s our choice everyday of which wolf we feed. So day by day, we can decide to feed the good in ourselves and starve the bad. And this might seem like the bad would go away, but when you starve a wolf, it only gets more aggressive, meaning the bad in ourselves can become harder and harder to suppress. But by continuing to keep focus on the good and turning your weaknesses into strengths can we be guided to a better version of ourselves in our faith, a better version of ourselves in our marriage, for our children.

I know you all made that choice to become better by showing up today, so all I ask is to continue through the rest of the day making the same decisions because we have no idea what tomorrow will bring.
Welcome FNG StairMaster

CSAUP July 18th at the dog pound starting at 6:30am

What a Bear

THE SCENE: 70ish° , 90ish% humidity. So refreshing.



  • Cherry Pickers IC
  • SSH IC
  • Rockettes IC
  • Grady Corns IC


Mosey to tennis court. Descending four corners. Do 10 each of four exercises, one in each corner. Run the long sides, bear crawl the short. After each lap, drop the rep count by one. Exercises were:

  • Burpees
  • Merkins
  • Squat Jumps
  • Box Cutters


  • Pickle Pounders IC
  • LBCs IC
  • Hello Dolly IC
  • Cobra Kai OYO


  • Butterfly
  • Hamstring
  • Overhead tricep stretch


Nine PAX


I recently asked my 5yo “What’s your favorite Bible story we’ve read recently?”

”Day one.”

”What’d you like about that?”

”Well, it was dark and then God said let there be light and there was & that’s pretty amazing.”

This was a good reminder to me that amazing encounters and experiences are all around, I just don’t always pay attention.


CSAUP at Dog#

Thankfulness at the equalizer

THE SCENE: warm with Choir Boy present.

  • Some of those
  • some of these
  • 3 cherry pickers
  • 1 squat
    Mosey around the feild to the playground
  • 11s
    • pullups and run to the top of triangle
    • burpees
  • After group finished mosey to splash pad
  • 11s
    • BBS run to the top of Triangle
    • V ups
  • Mosey back to AO for some cool down stretching
  • butterflies
  • on your 6
    • left leg over your right
    • right leg over your left
    • Cobra ki
    • Downward dog
    • right over left
    • left over right
  • cherry pickers


Carolina dry docks

sizer kicks

Thankfulness – it’s something I’ve been pondering and dwelling on this week. I want to grow in thankfulness this year. God sent Christ of us in our lives and died.

Where are you going?

THE SCENE: Another beautiful 55 degree East TN morning
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER : Standard Disclaimer and COVID reminder


Imperial Walker IC x 20

Cherry Picker IC x 5

High Knees x 20 OYO

Hand Release Burpee x 10 OYO
Had the PAX count off to assign number and order to be used in workout

Group Indian Run up the hill to first light pole (Did Route 66 Variation at poles)

Starting with number 1, PAX called out exercise of their choice and reps according to their age and then how they want us to travel to the next light pole. At next pole either Plank Hold or Air Squat Hold until 6 arrives. Rinse and Repeat x 11 PAX Members.

Exercises were:

  • Merkins x 43, Bear Crawl
  • BBS x 40, Skip
  • Burpees x 34, Walk
  • Man Makers x 44, Walk
  • Tempo Squat (4Ct IC) x 36, Mosey
  • Flutter Kicks x 37, Mosey
  • American Hammers x 33, Bernie
  • Oblique Clap (Gator Chomp) x 10, 30 Merkins, Mosey
  • Took a Detour and visited our good Friend Dwayne THE ROCK Johnson
  • V-UPS x 42, Broad Jump
  • Suicides x 27, End at next pole
  • Star-Gazers x 50 seconds (My gift to the PAX)

Mosey up to last light pole and form circle for Circle Burps x 11.

Group Indian Run back to AO.

I am proud to say that the Mumble Chatter was strong today and the PAX learned that their brother’s exercise of choice made them better and even though it hurt it was quite a fun trip.

Shoulder Taps x 50

Peter Parker finish thanks to TWEET-E.

As we all know, recently there has been a lot of division in our country. One thing I know that is true is that when I am looking inward only at myself and my needs, I am incapable of seeing and meeting the needs of another. I also know when I put myself before them, I am being selfish. Self-seeking individuals with selfish motives take, keep and divide. However, true outward expressed servant leadership seeks to further the welfare of another and unites.

Each exercise took place at a light pole because as F3 Men and Leaders we are called to be a LIGHT to those around us. Respecting every individual for their uniqueness and creating unity instead of division. Each PAX is as special and unique as the exercise they called out today and the reps performed according to their age. We must celebrate our differences!

The Circle Burp signified that in spite of all of our difficulties and challenges we face (and sometimes those come at the hands of another imposing them upon us), we are all needed in order to make each other better and stronger. I am better because of you, not in spite of you.

The Group Indian Run was intentional in order to create unity and to illustrate that sometimes you lead from the front and sometimes you lead from the back. You must take time to look around you to see who is with you and if anyone is following. Over the next few days, weeks or months pay attention to who you are leading and who you are following.

The BIG QUESTION IS: Where are you going? Why would anyone want to go with you? (John Maxwell) If you look around and no one is with you, you may want to ask yourself if you are truly being a light? Are you serving others, or just self- seeking? Are you dividing or are you uniting?

Prayer for Joel & Lilly Dipper’s wife
CSAUP at The Dog Pound July 18- Briskets & Gravy by Junk and Coffee by La-Z-boy

Five rounds

THE SCENE: 60 and cool

Worlds greatest Burpee zero

Worlds greatest Burpee 1X

15 overhead clamps
15 little baby arm circles

15 seal claps

15 little baby arm circles
Run to the tennis court

  • Five rounds of the following list of exercises for time.
  • 40 seconds an exercise with 20 seconds rest in between
  • V-ups
  • Suicides to the end of the court and back
  • Jump squats
  • Merkins
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Squats
  • Lunges to the end of the court and back
  • Pickle pounders

Looking back over my 10 years of being married I have regularly found myself in all of the steadfastness of Christ in our lives. I encourage everyone to look at the steadfastness of Christ in your life and your spouse or significant other or children. I’m thankful for the steadfastness of Christ who stands in her place in front of God the father and beside us pleading in front of the holy seat. Encourage you to look back on your life and see the faithfulness of God!
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.

Looking at putting together a location in downtown Knoxville with some of the kids for the boys and girls club. Look out for an announcement from tank in the slack channels about it. looking at putting together a location in downtown Knoxville with some of the kids for the boys and girls club. Look out for an announcement from tank in the slack channels about it