F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: 30s and soggy
SSH, Cherry 🍒 Pickers, Windmills, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats, Mosey to East Parking Lot…….
Time for some Blackjack (21s) on a moderate incline:

  • Merkins <————> Squats
  • Lunges  <————> Plank Jacks

Flutters, Box 📦 Cutters, LBCs
16 Strong
Every Timothy needs a Paul. Get a mentor if you don’t have one.  Characteristics I look for in a mentor: 1) Maturity – at least a decade or more older than you, someone who has walked where you are going, 2) Firm foundation in God’s Word, they love the Bible and know it well, 3) they don’t do anything in excess- alcohol, anger, material possessions- they are tempered, and 4) this is a bonus – they have experienced suffering.  A good mentor is better than gold.

Proverbs 24 – “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. The wise prevail through great power, and those who have knowledge muster their strength. Surely you need guidance to wage war, and victory is won through many advisers.”

Hound-dog arrived on time.

How long can you HOLD on?

THE SCENE: High 30’s windy and some drizzle

20 SSH, 5 slow cherry pickers, 5 slow tempo squats, 10 baby arm circles forward & backward.

Divide into 3-4 teams
A team will perform the circuit, while one team member is in a hold.
When the team member breaks the hold, the next team member rotates in, and the one that rotates out, takes the position of doing exercise.
Repeat until all exercise are done.  Take a lap, start the next round with the same format.
You can only do exercise while a teammate is “holding”
Station 1
Hold plank on elbows
25 merkins each team member
25 squats
25 big boy sit ups (ea)
run a lap
Station 2
Hold a wall squat
25 burpees each
25 monkey humpers
25 little baby crunches (4ct)
take a lap
Station 3
Hold a “canoe” position
25 diamond merkins
25 lunges
25 hello dollies (4ct)
Run a lap
Station 4
Hold balls to the wall position
25 bicep merkin
50 single leg calf raises (25 ea)
25 American Hammers (4ct)
run a lap

We went around the circle.  One PAX led us through an ab exercise, then we did 10 merkins following each.  We made it through 8 PAX (80 Merkins) and did a variety of ab exercises along the way.


Pride… Things I am proud of:
That flag has been here for every workout
WE have never had to use a pocket Q, you guys have signed up and showed to lead every workout at Shamrock
This AO makes me proud, and then things I am not proud of.
James 4:6 But He gives all the more grace; therfore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
Proverbs 29:23 A person’s pride will bring humiliation, but one who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor.




Fun with the Alphabet


Partly Cloudy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
39 ℉ 85% 36 ℉ 4.6 mi/h NE

I am not a professional.


The entire workout is based on this list:

A – Burpees x 15
B – Little Baby Crunches x 30
C – Jump Squats x 20
D – Merkins x 20
E – Squats x 25
F – Plank x 60 seconds
G – Lunges x 30
H – Carolina Dry Docks x 25
I – Side Lunges x 30
J – Freddie Mercury x 50
K – Iron Mikes (Jump Lunges) x 25
L – Military Toe Touch Situps x 20
M – Single Leg Squats x 20 (10 each leg)
N – Dips or Diamond Merkins x 20
O – SSH Jumping Jacks x 50
P – Hello Dolly x 20
Q – Box Jump x 16 or Cross Country Skiers x 30
R – Flutter Kicks x 50
S – High Knees x 50
T – Mountain Climbers x 50
U – Bobby Hurleys x 20
V – Wide Merkins 20
W – Monkey Humpers x 25
X – Shoulder Taps x 40
Y – Supermans x 20
Z – Heals to Heaven x 20

For warm-ups, pick a member of the PAX who is absent and use their name or use the first name of a present PAX’s hospital name. Perform the exercises associated with the first 4 or 5 letters of that name. You can vary the totals to make this more of a warm-up. Like 20 Freddie Mercuries instead of 50.

Using four variations of the above alphabet/exercises. Before starting, place one alphabet/exercise list in four corners of a square parking lot or field. Mosey towards the parking lot/field. Divide into 4 groups. Each group goes to a corner. Using the alpha-list, the group selects a PAX name from their group and performs all of the exercises associated with that name. So, everyone in the group does the exercises for just one of their names. The whole name. After the group finishes, they mosey as a group to the next corner. Pick another name, do the exercises associated with that name using the list available at that corner. Then move to third corner. Rinse and Repeat. To fourth. Rinse/Repeat around the square. If the group finishes all the names of their group before the other groups, that finished group runs to an unfinished group and joins them. At the end, it should be one big group or everyone finishing at the same time.

There wasn’t time for this.  But if there is time, use two lists for entire group and pick two locations about 50 yds apart. Have the group, pick different AOn names and perform those exercises. For example, do ‘Shamrock’ at one side, then ‘Asylum’ at the other, then back for ‘JUCO’ etc.

Then Mosey back to AO.

Using various lists, use the word ‘Mary’ (and maybe others like ‘Core’, ‘Ab’,’Stomach’). Only with these, find the letter of the word and if the exercise is not an ab/core exercise, go to the next exercise in the list. For instance, in the above list, ‘M’ = Squats. You don’t want to traditionally do squats during the Mary, so go down list. Not Merkins, Not SSH, But Yes to Hello Dollys. Obviously, Q can say what exercise is a Mary exercise.

12 Brothers.

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”


Prayers for the wives recovering from and going into surgery.  For the kids struggling with issues at school.  For our brothers battling illness.


Weather Advisory

The Scene

36 degrees and wet

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


Motivators from 8

Squat to kneel and back up (6-count)

Hairy Rockettes

Cherry Pickers

Ankle to hands 



Curb on CMU Mosey Way

Squat to curb tab

Hold Session 50 seconds of work 10 seconds of rest

Single Arm Hold -L

Single Arm Hold -R

Hollow Hold

Plank Hold

Glute Bridge

Side Plank -R

Side Plank -L



Seasaw lunge

CMU Curl Press Tri-Ext

Predator Jacks

V Up’s 

CMU Single Arm Row


Got through 50 of each and 40 of lunges and curl/press/tri ext

On the way back to CMU pile we switched between rifle carries, one arm overhead carries, suitcase carries and zombie carries. 

Mosey back to shovel flag just in time


No Time


9 HIM’s


Watch this: “Good”- Jocko Willink

If you follow Jocko at all you have surely heard him say “Good” in response to almost every situation, especially when things do not go as planned. The video is linked up above and is sure to fire you up. 

With all of the stuff going on around us we can ultimately only control how we respond to things. I have found it beneficial to respond with “Good” and go from there. It helps me remember to take things in stride and take a lesson from every situation and get better no matter what happened. Good can come from any situation if we look hard enough. 

Ultimately, if you are a believer, you can say “Good” in everything because we know that the Lord is with us and He is ordering our steps. 

Joshua 1:9“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.







Shamrock – When God speaks, listen!


5 Burpees

Tie Fighters x10 both directions

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 10

Cherry Pickers 5

5 Burpees

Snow Angels x25 OYO

5 Burpees


Mosey to Block Pile 

5 Burpees

Twist with CMU and walk

Rifle carry 


Go to the brick circle 

5 Burpees

20 Dips

10 Step ups

5 Derkins

X 3 rounds

5 Burpees

Mosey with Blocks towards pile

Stop at chalked area

5 Burpees

50 Bench Press

25 Block Squats

Run a full lap around rear parking lot

5 Burpees

50 Curls

25 Rainbows

Run a full lap around rear parking lot

Repeat both sets as many times as you can. I believe most people did 2 full rounds of each variation. 

Return CMUs

Gas Pumps

Mosey back to AO.


Flutter Kicks

Monkey Humpers

Freddie Mercury 

Osteen, Patsy, Clickbait, Hurl, Jenner, Crawl Space, Baby Boomer, Betty, Mermaid, Curveball, Waxjob, Dumpster Dive, Cheatsheet, Anchorman

When God speaks, listen.  I am often discouraged when I go so long without hearing or feeling like God is trying to speak to me or teach me something. 

I went for a run this weekend by myself and listened to the last 10 chapters of Job. Not the most feel good pump you up thing to listen to while you run, but I am behind on my daily readings so I needed to catch up. It was actually very powerful and revealing to me. I loved hearing God’s reaction to Job at the end. God really laid it all out for him and Job just sat there, probably trembling, and listened. 

After I finished Job I had a thought pop into my head. I need to spend more intentional devotional time with my kids. I prayed that God would give me more opportunities to spend time in the Word with my kids. 

10 Minutes after I got back home Saturday morning my 8 year old daughter woke up and came downstairs. We sat and talked a few minutes and then she ran upstairs to get her daily devotional book. She read it then asked me to look up a few verses that were mentioned at the bottom and we discussed what they meant. Then she wanted to try to find a Christian cartoon on Right Now Media to watch. One of the 1st things that popped up was an episode about Job. She didn’t know anything about Job and wanted to watch it. It led to more discussion during and after the show. 

So within 1 hour of my Saturday morning; God laid something on my heart, I prayed about it and He answered it. It’s like God was making Himself known to me in a tangible way. So I’ll end where I started by saying, when God speaks, listen. 

Pray for: Cheat Sheet’s family, Mermaid’s friend Joe with a broken leg. Jenner’s med school acceptance and paperwork issues.