F3 Knoxville

Fun with the Alphabet



Partly Cloudy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
39 ℉ 85% 36 ℉ 4.6 mi/h NE

I am not a professional.


The entire workout is based on this list:

A – Burpees x 15
B – Little Baby Crunches x 30
C – Jump Squats x 20
D – Merkins x 20
E – Squats x 25
F – Plank x 60 seconds
G – Lunges x 30
H – Carolina Dry Docks x 25
I – Side Lunges x 30
J – Freddie Mercury x 50
K – Iron Mikes (Jump Lunges) x 25
L – Military Toe Touch Situps x 20
M – Single Leg Squats x 20 (10 each leg)
N – Dips or Diamond Merkins x 20
O – SSH Jumping Jacks x 50
P – Hello Dolly x 20
Q – Box Jump x 16 or Cross Country Skiers x 30
R – Flutter Kicks x 50
S – High Knees x 50
T – Mountain Climbers x 50
U – Bobby Hurleys x 20
V – Wide Merkins 20
W – Monkey Humpers x 25
X – Shoulder Taps x 40
Y – Supermans x 20
Z – Heals to Heaven x 20

For warm-ups, pick a member of the PAX who is absent and use their name or use the first name of a present PAX’s hospital name. Perform the exercises associated with the first 4 or 5 letters of that name. You can vary the totals to make this more of a warm-up. Like 20 Freddie Mercuries instead of 50.

Using four variations of the above alphabet/exercises. Before starting, place one alphabet/exercise list in four corners of a square parking lot or field. Mosey towards the parking lot/field. Divide into 4 groups. Each group goes to a corner. Using the alpha-list, the group selects a PAX name from their group and performs all of the exercises associated with that name. So, everyone in the group does the exercises for just one of their names. The whole name. After the group finishes, they mosey as a group to the next corner. Pick another name, do the exercises associated with that name using the list available at that corner. Then move to third corner. Rinse and Repeat. To fourth. Rinse/Repeat around the square. If the group finishes all the names of their group before the other groups, that finished group runs to an unfinished group and joins them. At the end, it should be one big group or everyone finishing at the same time.

There wasn’t time for this.  But if there is time, use two lists for entire group and pick two locations about 50 yds apart. Have the group, pick different AOn names and perform those exercises. For example, do ‘Shamrock’ at one side, then ‘Asylum’ at the other, then back for ‘JUCO’ etc.

Then Mosey back to AO.

Using various lists, use the word ‘Mary’ (and maybe others like ‘Core’, ‘Ab’,’Stomach’). Only with these, find the letter of the word and if the exercise is not an ab/core exercise, go to the next exercise in the list. For instance, in the above list, ‘M’ = Squats. You don’t want to traditionally do squats during the Mary, so go down list. Not Merkins, Not SSH, But Yes to Hello Dollys. Obviously, Q can say what exercise is a Mary exercise.

12 Brothers.

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”


Prayers for the wives recovering from and going into surgery.  For the kids struggling with issues at school.  For our brothers battling illness.