F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: cold and clear, 25 degrees !

10 ct Cherry Pickers, 10 ct side straddle hops 10 count baby arm circles forward, 1o ct baby ar circles reverse, all in cadence


The 3rd Monthly “JUCO 1500” performed in the big parking lot, the backside of campus.  each station was a parking space. The bear crawls, lunges and cmu mosey were all from line to line from one end of the lot to the other. If all 5 rds were performed the total reps would equal 1500 and the total distance would be approximately 1.5 miles. Below is a link to the spreadsheet to enter your reps if you’re interested in keeping count and tracking your improvement. I’ll be glad to enter your # for you as well if you want to send it to me. If you don’t care that’s okay also.


The JUCO 1500 will be repeated on 2020-01-18!

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

What message does this picture send to you? It makes me think about how Santa Claus represents Black Friday, our spend, spend, spend, consume, consume, consume culture and we take all of that to Santa Claus, yet we are supposed to be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, who lived his life as an example of the opposite of all these things. Ultimately we should focus more on Jesus and how he lived his life and less on gifts, presents, consuming and so forth

Image result for santa praying to jesus"

Prayer Requests

Poolboys cousin, Mailbox’s wife, Guard rails job, Gingers coworkers father, any other request I may have forgotten

Same Five, Different Route

THE SCENE: 55F Cloudy, a bit wet and windy
Easy 5 miles. We left the park and headed east on Fleenor Rd and then stayed on Union Rd until we got to the Fox Run neighborhood. We then headed up Brochardt Blvd until we reached 2.5mi. We then turned around and headed back the way we came.
Rosetta, Cosmo, QIC-Archie

A Snow Day @ JUCO

THE SCENE: High 20’s and snow on the ground

The Motivator starting from 7
The Ole Miss Piss in honor of Lane Kiffin rejoining the SEC


Mosey to wall
Indian run Squats on Wall
Take CMU to Freshman hill
21’s Merkins @ top, squats at the bottom
Repeat until I  call time around 6:05-6:07
25 Calf Raises with CMU
20 Curls with CMU
15 Tri Ext with CMU
10 BBS with CMU
5 American Hammers with CMU
BTW @ wall hold for 1:00 min
Mosey to AO

We made it down to 7 on the 21’s, the snowy steep hill slowed us down and really made us pay attention to our footing.  Altar boy, however, was the human snowboard and flew down the hill repeatedly.

Doomsday Clock (til we finish)


Matthew 12:9-16
If Jesus can go to Church when the Pharisees set him up to break laws, we can follow his example in the face of issues we may have with doctrine.
Trolley’s work stress.
no announcements

Typical Easy Five

THE SCENE: 50F Clear
Easy 5 miles. We left the park on Watt Road and headed up the hill to McFee Park. We turned around at 2.5mi out and headed back the way we came.
Mustard, Cosmo, QIC-Archie

2.0 Black Friday Event

  • The Scene:
    • Overcast 50 degrees..perfect day for a workout at The Burbs!
  • Welcome/Disclaimer:
    •  Archie/Cheddar claimed they are not professionals, however we aren’t convinced..
  • Warm-a-rama
    •  Archie/Cheddar led the warm up.
      •  Cheddar sensed we were all a little sluggish from all the turkey, so it went like this:
        • Bur-pees
        • Squats
        • Merkins
        • Up Hil Leap Frog
  • Tha-Thang-FullHouse took over and led the way:
    •  Indian Run to the bridge. We frog jumped across the bridge and indian ran through the park to frog jump across the next bridge.
    • It was a free for all to the base of the hill…
    • Relay race up the hill with 2.0’s vs 1.0’s. Each partner runs twice!
      • 2.0’s grouped in 4’s while the dad’s were in 2’s
      • Dads handicapped with the Bernie
      • The 2.0’s were victorious!
    • Mosey on over to the Tennis Court
      • Partnered up and started at the practice wall.
      • One partner does a wall sit while the other partner bear crawled to the tennis net.
      • Repeat with Crab Walk
    • Regrouped at AO and headed to the open field with a Kickball
      • we played capture the ball. The Q punts the ball as far as they can..the PAX pursues. First to the ball gets to kick it next.
      • Each time we got the ball the 2.0 said their name and something they are thankful for.
      • Each 2.0 can only recover the ball once–allows everyone a chance.
    • Mosey back to AO-basketball court for some Suicides  Wind sprints or Ladders
  • Mary:
    • Flutter Kicks
    • Box Cutter
    •  LBCs
    • Planks
    • We finished up with a version of ring of fire. The kickball was passed around the circle. If you have the ball you do a burpee while the rest of the PAX follows the Q’s lead
      • FIrst Round was:
        • FLutter Kicks
        • Freddy Mercuries
        • LBC’s
        • Repeat
      • Second Round
        • Plank-left-center-right repeat until done.
  • Name-O-Rama
    • 18-(6-1.0s & 12-2.0s)
    • 2 FNK-s got names. We had T-rex(kick-flip) and Copperfield (erector)
  • COT
    • 1 Timothy 4:4-5
    • We talked about being thankful and specifically prayerfully thankful for all that god has created..
  • Moleskin
    • Look out for a new location and a 2.0 workout soon!a